Like a virus

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After their small meeting about Jackie current condition now. The hero decided to keep it from anyone else for now in order to not make them worry about him since they are letting Anti out so he wouldn't anyone to be more scared of Anti like this.

Problem is they're probably being timed if its spreading through Dark and Jackie. For Dark not so critical since it's his powers to begin with but for Jackie this can be dangerous for him so they have a matter of a few days to get Anti into better progress into going back to normal so they can find out how to remove the powers from both septics and return back to it's rightful owner.

Dark had told Jackie on what he can expect with his powers in his body. Even by the looks of it it's just a small amount of it it can still be dangerous especially to a human body now. But for the Hero its more calming to know more about it now and how the voice had a connect to the powers that was inside of him instead of just him losing it.

Now the problem starts with trying to act like everything is fine along with hearing taunts here and there while also being careful around Anti.

Jackie couldn't sleep last night. He had too much on his mind and the voice was just a small part of his night. Trying his best to not shift too much incase it might wake up Yan. But he couldn't trust himself to stay quiet or stay still so he stood up from the couch he laid in. Picking up his phone to check the time to see it was still early but it was a reasonable time to get out of the room.

It was four in the morning when he walked to the door and opened it leaving his sleeping roommate to sleep away as he walked out to a dark hallway. Now came the thought on what to do now. He can raid the kitchen for some snacks to distract himself but it might be rude since he doesn't live here, and nobody else is exactly awake to have company by.

Unless he knows one who is guaranteed to be awake now.

Jackie couldn't wait until morning to see him and they did agreed to set him free a little right? He can count this as a warm up for him. Yeah that's a good idea.

Jackie breathed in and out as he turned going deeper in the dark lit hallway until he reached the end of the rows of doors. He can already hear him shifting inside, as expected he is awake. Jackie took the knob and opened it slowly seeing Anti inside scratching the floor, probably just finished on scratching his neck judging by how everything was a black bloody mess around him already.

Anti stopped whatever he was doing seeing the Hero came in. Confused on why because he had gotten used to his meal schedule but he saw no plate or any food from his hand. The clueless glitch titled his head as he remained on the floor seeing the Hero walk up to him.

"Hey. . . You're not gonna freak out right. .?" Jackie confidently came close but stopped right infront of Anti seeing what he'd do. The glitch was more confused as he looked up at the hero while he kept unconsciously rubbing his neck. His wound was still opened under the collar.

Jackie frowned seeing him make a mess again but he can't exactly do anything with Marvin's powered collar. Not the one of Anti 's neck but as for the other end. . 

Jackie breathed in and walked forward by Anti now as he untied the other end of the knot that was keeping him by the bed. "We're gonna go for a walk, okay?" Jackie said but cringed at himself as it made it sound like Anti was some animal.

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