no matter what i do

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@hana.aiko and 31 other want to follow you

"what? how did people find my spam account?"

you looked down at your phone to find it closing then lighting up again with notifications.

as you looked up while you were walking, you noticed the year 3s just got dismissed too, so they were walking around the second level.

"great" you sighed to yourself.

you turned back, looking at the avalanche of people.

then you spotted kuroo talking with one of his classmates.

"oh no" you quickly turned around and walked away as fast as possible.

you were about to head into a classroom when you got pushed back into someone's chest.

"where do you think you're going?" an irate voice said.

you could recognise that voice anywhere.

he leaned down next to your face but you turned your head to the side.

"ooh, hey kuroo"

your back was right against his chest. he tightened his arm around your neck.

he bender down and placed his face beside yours, "hmm?"

you felt the vibrations from his chest to your back as he hummed.

you spinned your head to him, gingerly placing your hand on his arm. looking around, to see seniors looking at you two. "kuroo-"

"i know."

he knew.

it was all over your face.

and he could read you like a book.

and you could do the same for him.

maybe that was what made you comfortable with him. you pushed his arm off you, "get off me!"

he stood up straight, giving you a smug look.

"you can't run away from me that easily" he raised his eyebrow at you.

"i know i can't." you sighed. "but i wish i could" you mumbled to yourself, but of course he overheard.

"i heard you!" he smiled to himself.

"i didn't say anything" you put your hands up defensively.

as your body turned to him, you noticed people walking past you guys, some giving you looks. but you ignored that and continued walking.

you tugged on his arm "can we get food?"


"you're paying."

"i know."

nothing more than this | tetsurou kuroo ♡Where stories live. Discover now