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"why are we doing this?" kuroo was getting dragged by his hockey team into a karaoke room, you following along.

the guy who was dragging him, kai, sat on the couch. "this is team bonding!"

"then why am i here?" you asked, someone closing the door.

yamamoto and kai looked at each other, "actually, i don't know why your here." the boy with the blonde buzzcut shrugs.

"well, i guess i should leave then-" you fiddly pointed at the door and turned around, putting your hand on the door knob, until somebody pulled you by your other arm

"now where do you think your going?" kuroo asks, giving you a knowing look.

"uhh-" you gently tried to pry your arm away from his grasp, but he wasn't letting go.

"you're stuck here. you came here, you stay here. got it?" he instructs.

you try to glance at the other guys for help, but all they do is give you teasing looks and kissy faces. gross. "no wait, i-" you try to bail yourself out of this.

"captain's orders." then he sits down, dragging you along on the seat next to him.

you make sure to huff a big sigh so kuroo can hear it all. he does. the weight of his arm is still on you, elbow to elbow. you look down to see them interlocked with each other.

"why are you still holding onto my arm?" you speak softly to kuroo.

"to make sure you don't escape?" he turns to look at you. he sees the alarmed look on your face, but his mischievous expression doesn't falter. "right..." you murmur, glancing at your arms one more time before looking away.

"okay, what song should we sing guys!" yaku blares into the microphone as he scrolls through songs, making a loud screech. you cover your ears on instinct.

"you don't need to scream." kuroo states calmly.

"oh oh oh!" yaku continues screaming, "one direction!"

"aww hell nah." kai comments.

"aww hell yes!" yaku says back. "come on, let's sing it, kai!" he turns on the song and shoves a microphone into kai's hands, yaku already having his own. the instrumental of What Makes You Beautiful starts playing.

"great." kai rolls his eyes.


"SHUT UP!" kai screams into the microphone at yaku.


"oh my god." you say under your breath, but your best friend still hears you, laughing at your comments.

kai eventually starts singing and both him and yaku start standing up and jumping. once they finished the first chorus, they were extremely out of breath.

"o-okay, i-i've had, enough." yaku manages to say between heavy breaths. he couldn't do much more of this but the song was barely finished.

he looked around hastily, eyes landing on you.

"y/n! take it!" he quickly shoves his microphone into your hands.

"what?" you're unsure what to do with this object, trying to give it back to him "i don't sin-"

"if you don't sing one word, you automatically get a zero on the score." he pointed at the tv screen.

"wha-" before you could finish your sentence, you got pushed to the front of the screen. now you were standing in front of everybody.

all you could do was pan between the crowd and the karaoke screen. there is actually no way i'm doing this.

so c-come on. you got it wrong.

you internally cringed at your voice but you kept going.

to prove i'm right, i put it
in a song-ong-ong

i don't know why, you're being shy

and turn away, when i look into your eye-eye-eyes!

you left the next few sentences blank as you didn't want to do much more of this, at least not alone, so you started looking for someone to grab.

eyes panning around the room. who could i take down with me? you locked onto a pair of sharp hazel eyes. you charged towards him and took his wrist, making sure to take kai's microphone and hand it to him.

"what are you doing?" he asks, resisting the sensation of you pulling him with you.

"making you sing with me!" you exclaimed, smiling.

"i don't even know this song!" he continued to fight with you, but you still threw him to the front.

"don't lie." you eyed him down, making him smile at you, like a child.

"i was lying, you caught me." that was the last thing he said before absolutely singing the shit out of this song.


his team started losing it, lightly hitting each other as they laughed hysterically at you and kuroo's singing. both of you sang the song so passionately as you screamed your lungs out.

the instrumental of the song started playing as it hit the bridge. you and him were jumping up and down, peering into each others souls as you guys sang the lyrics, facing each other the whole time.

everything that had gone on recently raced through y/n's mind as the song played and the people sang.

she smiled.

it's just so funny to me, she thought.

i don't understand why everybody thinks we like each other or something.

nothing more than this | tetsurou kuroo ♡Where stories live. Discover now