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it is not kuroo's birthday but let's pretend that it will be soon

it is not kuroo's birthday but let's pretend that it will be soon

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[4:35 p.m]

kenny poo


hello hello
party plans!


did you forgot omfg u dumbass
it's kuroo's birthday tomorrow


dude ur the worst friend ever


i bought everything that we need
you buy the cake

what flavour?

he likes cookies and cream

like oreo?

like peanut butter
ofc like oreo you dingus

okok sorry

and buy candles too


meet me at 5.15 p.m
at umm my house
that's around the time before he gets home

you have the keys to his house?

i'm his best friend

did his dad even allow this

i talked to him
he likes me more than you

are you sure about that 🤔

about that sure i am😡

that doesn't even make sense

nothing i say does

i know

okay enough slander
help me carry all the stuff later
see u at my place soon 😎

see you y/n

[kuroo's pov]

i walk into my house after another long day of school. shoes get thrown on the rack outside, then i open the door.

as i enter the house. it seems awfully dark, like someone just shut all the lights off. usually even if my dad goes to work, he never leaves the lights closed, just because.

wait a minute...

"happy birthday!"

familiar faces pop out from behind of the furniture. some are friends from school, hockey, my dad and of course y/n and kenma.

i almost get startled, but that's quickly replaced with excitement.

"oh my god..." i put a hand on my chest. i look around to see everyone bearing gifts.

i see my dad. i have a big smile on my face as i mouth the word "dad" as he just smiles, then points to someone next to him.

then i look over to see my best friend, she's in the corner ducking as she can't hide the big smile on her face.

she takes my hand, "come, let's blow out your candles!"

she leads me to the dining table with a big box, the ones with indents so you could open one side. some of them helped her to open it, revealing...

a cookies and cream birthday cake with eighteen candles on it.

my favourite flavour. before i could glance at her face to see her reaction, everyone started singing. as they did, my dad grabbed a lighter  and lit up the candles.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to kuroo, happy birthday to you!" everyone sings in unison, and when they finish they all laugh and clap.

i look at your face, it's gleaming with the tinted light from the fire on the candles. you have a big dorky grin on your face. you smile with your teeth, you don't usually smile with your teeth. the hair cascading down your shoulders and how it frames your face, it looks a little lighter here in this room, probably from the candle lights too. orange glowing reflects from your pupils. and you're wearing a dress, in black. everyone in this room is looking at me, but i can't pry my eyes off you.

"make a wish!"

i put my hands together and close my eyes, a little orange lights peeks into my eyes. i see orange coloured moving blobs on a black background.

and that's when i knew.

i think i'm slowly starting to see you in a different light.

my eyes open, they are a little blurry after squinting them a bit too hard. a cloudy vision of all the people i love with their phones out, the multicolour candles that light this dimly-lit room and a glimpse of you in that little black dress in the corner of my eye.

i lean forward and blow out my eighteen candles as the fire turns into white smoke that dances upwards.

delightful claps fill my ears and y/n puts her hands on my shoulders an tippy-toes. i lean down a little slightly so i can hear what she's saying.

"happy birthday kuroo."

but she doesn't stop there.

"i love you~"


a break from all the angst omg. most of it is over, don't worry. 😉 but i love them so much omg, too bad their just best friends 🤷‍♂️

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