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12:00 p

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12:00 p.m.

where r u


i don't see you

hurry !!! i'm standing here alone and people r staring at me

oh no !
then maybe you should have worn your uniform instead of coming in home clothes

did you wear your uniform???

no 💀

why the hell did you decide to leave at 9am in the morning just to be late
you could have worn the clothes you wore yesterday

i was shirtless 💀

oh ya


pls kuroo


slipping your phone into your bag, you hold both of your hands as you wait for your now, boyfriend. the unavoidable stares of student's on a friday was just too much. today was one of your free days, where no one had class but people would still come to school for no reason, well that's why you were here.

"y/n! i'm here!" you could hear kuroo's voice from afar, running towards you and trying to to trip.

turning to the owner of that voice, he was now standing in front of you and all you could say was, "holy hell."

there was one bandage on his eye, one wrapped around his elbow, tape on his forearm and tape behind his neck that disappeared underneath
his shirt.

the scrunched up look on your face doesn't go unnoticed by him. awkwardly, he tilts his head, "you told me to tape up."

"you look like you've gotten into a car crash." you blurt out.

"i have one more too." he excitedly take the left bottom of his shorts and gingerly pulls it up, exposing a big piece of gauze.

he wanted you to focus on the big bandage but what you were more focused on the muscle around his thigh, and then his fingers pulling up the fabric of his shorts.

gritting your teeth, you softly point at it, "okay, that is.."

"don't get any ideas, l/n." he drops the fabric, now staring at you and the way you looked at him.

"i'm not."

the air between you two suddenly felt hot, and neither of you broke your gazes, hazel eyes locking onto yours and not letting go.

"hey!" a sudden third-party cuts the tension between you two. both of you look away from each other, flustered. somebody approaches you guys, and that was yaku.

kuroo puts his hand over the back of his neck, looking down, "when were you here?" he asks, not looking at him.

yaku, a bit too joyous, exclaimes, "i just arrived! the others are right behind me!" tilting your head, you saw the rest of then trailing behind, walking and talking.

the black hair takes one step, then turning behind to you, "are you coming?"

"hmm?" you get startled out of your mind when you realise he's talking to you.

a warm smile forms on his face, then he walks up to you with his arm reaching to you, "let's go."


lev and inuoka were screaming, playing the foodball table as some of their seniors watched, kenma was at another corner on his phone, meanwhile you and kuroo were squished into one seat while you both talked to someone.

following the foreign person's sight, you could tell their eyes wandering to the same seat you and kuroo were sharing.

"so-" he tapped his finger on the arm on the chair, "you two are..." he hinted so he didn't have to finish his sentence.

"yeah." kuroo nodded, casually but you could see the faint line that went upwards on his lips. "yes." you agreed too.

"wow."he nodded, taking it in your new statuses, "that's pretty cool. who liked who first?" he asked.

"kuroo." you said quickly, earning a dirty look from the guy sitting beside you. "nuh uh." kuroo quickly declined, a finger raised up. you grabbed his finger and wrapped your hand around it, pushing it down into his lap, "yuh uh." you nodded your head aggressively.  "it was him first."

the new guy stifled a laugh, lightly punching kuroo's shoulder, "kuroo! you're definitely the one that fell first."

you widen your eyes, "see? i'm right!" you point out to kuroo, as if he himself didn't already know." "whatever." he crosses his arms, looking away.

the other guy and your boyfriend start talking about year 3 stuff as they were classmates, so you just looked around the room, analysing what everyone else what doing.

"die bitch! die!" lev screeched, hands turning the knobs on the fusball table intently, almost hissing. you quickly looked away.

"you wanna play?"

kuroo's voice comes into your ear, shoulder jumping up as you get startled. turning to him, you see that his eyes are focused on the commotion behind you. "we can go next if you want." he suggests, eyes moving back to you.

"but-" looking down, you see him covered up in bandages and bruises. "you're all beat up." you say, concerned. the expression on his face changes before you, and he scrunched his eyebrows, almost daring you. "don't underestimate me, l/n."


wow she's alive!

so i was thinking. does anybody like want my spotify or youtube? cause like i've made a playlist for this book actually and like i wanna up my socials and i feel like you guys can know me better


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