change your ticket!

335 13 19

your hair was flying everywhere, and you could say the same for kuroo. even if it was freezing, all the dancing and prancing made the both of you feel the heat, and the walk back to the subway station was filled with tired pants and walking in zig zagged lines.

"well, i guess our date is over." you state, holding your purse in your hands. from the view of your flats, you eyes move up to see kuroo's face.

his face looks like he's in deep thought, and he's looking elsewhere.


pulling on the collar of his shirt, he clears his throat, and that's when you realise what's he's gonna do. before you can stop you, and big devious smile show up on his face, then he sings to you, "don't gooooo!"

"oh my god." facepalming yourself, you close your eyes and wished that a deep hole would swallow you up beneath the ground.

"it's not the same when you go home!" he screeches, dramatically grabbing his chest as he looks to the side, in a trance.

embarassed, you look around to see if anybody is staring at the two of you. he would always randomly belt out random songs in public, and every single time you would just stand there, wanting to end it all. your eyes lay on him "kuroo." you say like a disappointed parent.

"what? you don't know that song?" he suddenly drops his act and asks you curiously. you replay the lyrics in your head and try to think of a song with that melody. "well, no?"

"you don't like one direction?" he asks, with a genuinely concerned look on your face, like you just insulted his mother, or something.

you face cringes, pointing an unsure finger at him, "you, like one direction?"

"yeah! their songs are good!" he confidently nods, and then he proceeds to start humming What Makes You Beautiful out loud.

"kuroo! you never told me that!" you drop your arms to the side, baffled that even after spending 10 years together, you had no clue about his pop band obsession.

the guy in the leather jacket shrugs, and he starts to pick up on his feet, and you follow suit. "yeah! i like the vamps too!" he admits wholeheartedly as he taps his card.

"you do?" catching up to him, you put your metro card back into your purse, and a sad feeling sinks into your stomach. you feel like a failure of a best friend that you never once had a clue about this. you started to wonder if kenma had any idea about this.

turning to kuroo, you see him humming the melody of their most popular song. "you have a playlist?" you ask him as the both of you step into the train, wondering if their discography was any good.

"yeah! just go to the bio of nintendouzz and you can find the link there!"


"you didn't hear anything." he mutters, and the two of you find some seats, you sitting next to window, of course. "okay then.." you lower your gaze. curious, you open spotify and start searching up the band.

"this is the one i was singing earlier. it's called change your ticket, it's really good." he points at your phone, he points on one song in the album. nodding your head, you put an earpiece in and press on the song.

casually putting his arm around you, you snuggle into him comfortably, and rest your head on his shoulder. "we should have a sleepover." kuroo suggests, and when you take your head off him he's smiling at you like a dork.

"no." you joke. and his geeky smile quickly turns into a fine line, "tsk." he takes his arm back and crosses both of them in front of his chest.

"oh, come on! i was joking!" you grab his bicep, lightly massaging it, but he still doesn't buffer. "why are you angry?" you ask, and kuroo drops the act, laughing as he breaks out of character. "i know!" he says, "we've been having sleepovers since we were like 10."

annoyed, your back falls into the cushion of the chair, as comfortable as a public transport chair could be, "yeah but, this is our first time sleeping over with each other." you remark.

realising this, kuroo props up his leg on his left knee, and now he's thinking to himself as he rests his chin on his hand, "'re right, we've never." he thinks out loud. abruptly, he turns to you, catching you off guard, "we don't have to if you don't want to."

"huh?" you blurt out, confused, "of course i want to. let's have one of friday."

kuroo gives you a nod, "deal. we'll watch movies, and then bake, and then we can pillow fight, and then play minecraf-"

"and then not sleep." you finish.


as you started to scroll online, kuroo opened up his phone to see some messages from bokuto, one of his friends from fukurodani.

he winced as he saw the contents, "what the f-"

"what?" you looked up from your phone, meeting the terrified look of your boyfriend.

"look, bokuto was stalking us!" he gave the phone to her, eyes still fixated on the picture of them from behind.

"ooh, give that to me! i wanna post that!" y/n points at the attachment bokuto sent before sititng back in her seat, excitedly. kuroo eyes her, weirded out, before taking his phone back and replying bokuto.


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