new cities

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you were holding each other as you sat down at seats beside windows as you guys talked about stupid stuff.

"kuroo, you're being too loud!" you whispered into his ears as you laughed into his shoulder, reminding him although it was a relatively empty subway.

"but i'm serious!" he reinstated, "like what about me?" he turned to look at your laughing state.

"stop it" you were out of breath and tried to catch it, failing as another song of laughter escaped your mouth.

the train came to a halt as it did for the tenth time tonight.

the sounds of doors opening and strong wind emerged throughout the subway.

suddenly, kuroo stood up and was released from your grasp "get up."

"we're here?" you kicked your feet up, observing the scene from outside the train.

"yeah, now come" he turned behind to remind you.

you followed him along and the doors shut behind you.

the unusual place was a sight you took in. it kind of looked like Tokyo station but not as busy, even though it was a saturday.

a sudden gust of wind brushed past you as you exited the station.

you instinctively put your hands in the pockets of your hoodie, turning over to kuroo, "is it supposed to be this cold?"

he shrugged off the weather "i checked, it's like 7°C."

you had never seen pictures of the place before and you never had any relatives who lived here. it was a completely strange place for tokyo teenagers to be in at 11:30 p.m.

there were lights and weirdly coloured buldings, somewhat like in tokyo, but it was very dark. however, you were with kuroo, so it would be okay.

you continued walking around with him by your shoulder, "okay, so what should we do then?"

you gazed around this town, the ever-so-often passerby walking through.

"let's..." kuroo head drifted of to the side, then you saw the spark in his eyes, "do something fun."

you met his gaze. you knew that look from the back of your mind. it was that look when he was about to cause trouble, like steal your chips or take your hat.

to beat him to it, you took his cap and started bolting down the empty streets.

"hey! come back here!" he ran after you.

the two of you wasted your time on running and spending your money.

you guys would walk along a 24 hour grocery store run by a japanese grandmother:

"i'm hungry..."

"then let's get sushi."

you guys stopped by a gift shop running low on electricity.

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