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y/n ♡ has posted on her story!

"what flavour is yours?" y/n asks

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"what flavour is yours?" y/n asks.

"cherry. i'm guessing your one is peach."

"wrong. strawberry."

"close enough."

both of you walk around your neighbourhood that you have known since you were children. you guys would talk with lolipops in your mouths.

"so how was practice?" y/n plays with her lollipop stick.

"it was good." kuroo replies.

"like, are you ready for that big game that's in a few months?"

"yeah, i guess."

the lolipop in his mouth pokes his cheek as he speaks through cherry-tainted lies.

"say, how has everything been?" he asks, kicking a stone that he found on the ground.

your lollipop rested at the side of your mouth "what do you mean by that?"

"like, i don't know. school?"

you tugged on his hood, pulling it down to cover his eyes.

"so..." he pulled the hood off his eyes and peeked out, "is that like, a yes?"

you simply ignored his question. a line of elevated concrete was on the sidewalk. you got up and started balancing and walking on it, your arms up to keep your balance.

kuroo took the lollipop out of his mouth and kept talking as he watched you.

"be careful, y/n." he warns. you ignore.

misplacing your foot, you until kuroo proppee you up by the elbow, him catching you mid-sentence.

you walked a few more steps then got off before you would fall flat on your face.

"i told you." you looked over at him, catching his catty eyes that told you off.

he was like one of those disapproving parents taking care of their disobedient toddlers, always acting like that even though he was only a year older.

we make our rounds in the neighbourhood until we are at the street we started at.

our walk was over for the night. he puts his hands in his hoodie and leans down slightly.

"i'll see you tomorrow." he smiles.

"wha- i didn't even make plans with you tomorrow?" you questioned him.

he shrugs and starts walking away.

so you throw your finished lolipop stick to his head, it hitting him in the back.


he turned around with a pained expression, holding the back of his head and looked at you. he continued yapping at you like a dog.

"shut up!" you teased.


you started walking away back to your house.

"goodnight y/n." kuroo said from a few feet away from you.

you turned around and grinned, saluting to him as you smiled "goodnight captain!"

"don't call me that!"

nothing more than this | tetsurou kuroo ♡Where stories live. Discover now