chapt. 1

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Minho raced along the steel grey maze walls, with his head held high and only passing subtle breaths

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Minho raced along the steel grey maze walls, with his head held high and only passing subtle breaths. You wouldn't of been able to tell he'd already been running for hours on end.

"Come on Em, jeez !" He shouted back over his shoulder with a winning grin. And there, struggling to lift her feet off the ground was a clearly disoriented Emmeline. Her mousy brown waves bounced against her shoulders and face as she prodded along. Beads of sweat littering the surface of her skin, emphasising her flushed cheeks.

Don't get me wrong she was a brilliant runner, great stamina but just like anyone else she hits a point, which in this case would be after 5 hours of non-stop speed, where she had reached her breaking point and could not push her body any further.
"UGH! Come on Minho!" She shouts back as she heaved a heavy sigh and tightened her jaw.

These last few twists and turns they had to run were always Emmeline's worst, and that's why she's not an actual runner, she could never do this job everyday it would kill her. She only runs when she needs to, if someone's ill or injured, she takes their place.

So if she's not killing herself sprinting around concrete walls all day, she is the keeper of the medjacks, taking care of all her fellow gladers with great pride, as she likes to say.

The thing about Emmeline is that she has always been the one to take charge, which is quite ironic considering she isn't actually 'in charge'; Alby is. But since she came up in the box at the beginning, she has always put everyone else first and took care of them and made sure that they're okay. Making sure their getting enough food, sleeping well, talking with these new people that are coming up each month. All the gladers admire her for her constant upbeat spirit that helps to build courage and strength within the glade. They always say, without her, they wouldn't be anywhere; which she like to disagree against but they all know it's true.

one hour later

"Alright, I think I'm good to go" Emmeline said finally standing up from her seat on the concrete floor, brushing of the dust off of the back of her trousers with her hands and reattaching her water bottle to her belt, after many minutes of her heaving and chugging water whilst Minho stood and waited for her to be done.

"Thank God for that, we're literally back anyway, I don't get why you couldn't of just waited." Minho responded as he started jogging again, now next to Emmeline.

"Well Minho it's because I don't want to go back into the glade looking like a drowned rat, I need to regain my composure" she replied with a 'matter of fact' smile. "Also you know that today a new greenie came up in the box, so I gotta be looking my best " she said as she gave a wink and flashed a smile towards him.

𝖧𝖤𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝖮𝖥 𝖦𝖫𝖠𝖲𝖲 | maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now