chapt. 2

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"Light him up!" Alby yelled

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"Light him up!" Alby yelled. All the gladers had situated themselves in a circle around the huge pile of logs and woodwork in the middle, after each setting alight to their own sticks creating a torch and throwing it into the middle to create a huge bonfire.

Blazing orange flames rose up into the air,  glowing embers dancing around in the smokey ash that was consumed by the heat radiating off the wooden structure. The crowd erupted into rowdy shouts of "Gladers! Gladers! Gladers!" and lively smiles spread across the group, many shouting with their arms in the air and others clamouring their hands together in an immense applause.

Boys sat along the grass drumming against old farm troughs and other tin buckets, more cheers erupted here and there, real laughs were heard from different groups dotted around the fire, enjoying their late night with mason jars in hand filled with Gallys special recipe.

As the atmosphere died down a bit, people started to disperse and settle down into conversations. Crickets could be heard echoing from in the long grass, moths dancing around through the air along with the fire embers, and a crisp cold breeze moving through the glade.

Newt and the greenie were sat off to the side, leaning against a spare log, with an orange glow from the fire illuminating the sides of their faces in the dim light that surrounded them. Newt had just finished explaining the maze and the point of the runners to the greenie and it was now his turn to talk.

"The girl." He said, turning to look at Newt, his eyes slightly narrowed.
"Emmeline, ... have you not spoke to her yet?" Newt replied, knowing that he hadn't, and just wanting to understand what he was asking. The boy only shook his head in response. "Ah well she'll come to you at some point tonight I'm sure of it, she always does."

"Has she always been the only girl?" The greenie inquired.
"Yeah, she was one of the first to come up in the box. And after her it's always just been boys, no idea why." Newt explained.

A moment passed.

"So...what is she like?" The boy inquired more, looking down at his lap and then back at Newt. He let out a stifled laugh, looking back at the greenie.
"Urm ... well ..." he stopped as he turned his head around to notice Emmeline walking towards the pair. "Why don't you find out yourself?"

And with that Newt stood up from his place next to the new boy and passed Emmeline with a knowing smirk causing her to muttered a hushed "Piss off."

"You alright greenie?" She started as she took a seat next to the brunette boy and turned her full upper body so she was facing him and leaning her side against the log.
"Erm... yea I'm alright." he replied uncertain.
"I see you've been talking with Newt."
"Yea, he's just been catching me up on what goes on in this place."

"Ah I see....well, I just wanted to, if you haven't been already, assure you that you may feel out of place now but by tomorrow you'll feel right at home." She informed him with wide eyes and a smile.

𝖧𝖤𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝖮𝖥 𝖦𝖫𝖠𝖲𝖲 | maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now