chapt. 4

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A few hours until sunset, a few minutes until the maze doors close

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A few hours until sunset, a few minutes until the maze doors close. The gladers stood on the left and on the right allowing a walkway for Minho to drag Ben through with his hands tied behind his head.

The gladers enclosed in a semi-circle around the two, holding wooden poles at their side, as Ben fell to his knees coughing up blood, tears streaming down his face, yet still pleading to not be put into the maze. Emmeline stood in between Gally and Winston, her knuckles turning white at how hard she was gripping onto the wooden pole to try and stop her tears from falling.

Ben's desperate cry's for mercy echoed through the silence of the glade. The first rumble of a shift of the maze doors moving was heard. Minho threw Ben's bag into the maze past the walls and the gust of wind blew past the faces of the gladers. Ben's sobs intensified, his face strained due to the amount he was crying and pleading for mercy.

"Poles!" Alby shouted out to the gladers surrounding the edge. Everyone stuck their pole out in front on themselves, making the space between Ben and the maze smaller. He finally stood to his feet, stumbling as he tried to move.

"Move in!" Alby exclaimed. The gladers directly in front of him started to walk forward, pushing Ben further and further into the maze, yet his desperation to be free still continued.

The stone walls of the maze started to close and Ben was reluctantly halfway through. The gladers continued to push and push until he had to move out of the way of the walls, and into the maze. The walls were shut and Ben's cries were silenced. Another once humble glader was lost.

Emmeline passed her pole to Gally and walked off with her head down. A complete surge of betrayal and distress consumed her, the feelings that she wasn't able to push down any longer. She began to bawl, her lip quivering and hands pushing her hair out of the way. Streams of tears kept coming no matter how hard she tried to calm herself down, as she walked toward her room in the homestead, not wanting anyone to see her like this.


"Em? Can i come in?" Newt had come to Emmeline's door, it had been about an hour since the banishment of Ben.
"Yea." A muttered answer was heard behind the door, and Newt made his way into the room.

She was sat under the covers of her bed leaning her head against her pillow, looking like she was asleep, but she had been kept wide awake, replaying the events seemingly seconds ago. Newt sat himself next to her with a bowl in his hand. "I brought you your dinner, it's just some soup and bread, something easy."

Emmeline sat herself up and leaned her back against the wall and took the bowl from Newt. "Thankyou." She said with a smile, and dipped her bread into her soup. She was glad that it was Newt that was here sitting with her, she always felt calm and comfortable whenever he was around.  

"How's everyone doing?" She asked, taking a bite.
"You know how it is, quiet, and everyone's just trying to keep to themselves for now." He replied with a shrug of the shoulders. "But I wanted to see how you were doing?"

𝖧𝖤𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝖮𝖥 𝖦𝖫𝖠𝖲𝖲 | maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now