chapt. 5

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Emmeline turned around to see it was Thomas that had run in behind her, and he had landed on his hands and knees after falling out the slim gap between the concrete slabs, and was hyperventilating behind her

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Emmeline turned around to see it was Thomas that had run in behind her, and he had landed on his hands and knees after falling out the slim gap between the concrete slabs, and was hyperventilating behind her. "Thomas! What the hell!" Emmeline exclaimed looking down at him, he quickly looked up at her in disbelief.

"What!" Emmeline turned her body around with her hands in her hair. "Thomas you've never been in here before, you don't know what your doing." She replied more softly, reasoning with him.

"Well I had to do something," He returned between breaths, still looking up at her.

"Can you two stop your lovers quarrel please, your giving me a fucking headache!" Minho exclaimed, a layer of filth smeared over his skin glossed with sweat, kneeling on the floor next to Alby who was sprawled out on the floor unconscious, with a bloody gash on his forehead. Emmeline walked over to Minho and bent down, "He's been stung hasn't he?" she breathed.
"Yep, you guessed it," he replied, the sarcasm dripping from his words, but Emmeline just ignored it for now, knowing how tired he must be.

"Alright we gotta get him up, ... Thomas." She called him over as she put her arms under Alby's, she looked at Minho who had started to walk away saying, "We got to move, the maze is changing."

"Hey Minho," Thomas called out, "We can't just leave him here, help us lift him up."
Minho looked so tired and distressed that the idea of saving someone else before himself sounded insane, but he walked back over and helped move Alby with them.


The group of four had been taking different corners and hallways, walls littered with green creepers seeming to sway to sound of the gladers continuous breath. Cracks in the stone floor allowed a new space for grasses to grow, the colour green garnishing the grey slates surrounding, and subtle gusts of wind blew dirt and dust through the corridors .

It seemed like they had spent hours upon hours walking with the strain of the extra body weight pulling down on them, heavy breaths and grunts were shared between them as they all began to feel more weak under the extra pressure. "Gotta keep walking," Minho uttered in between breaths. "Come on."

The gladers had reached a dead end and didn't know where to go or what to do next, "Okay just sit him down, sit him down." Emmeline said as they walked closer to a wall and set Alby down leaning against it. Thomas and Emmeline slumped their body's down against the wall next to each other, their heads bowed down trying to catch a breath, whilst Minho paced back and forth in front of them.

A distant screech from a griever broke the moment of silence, it ricocheted against each stone, and suddenly this whole idea of being stuck in the maze seemed so real. "This isn't going to work," Minho claimed, "We gotta go, we gotta go."

As he started to walk off again, Emmeline stood back up and walked up behind him and grabbed the back of the leather harness that was attached around his chest and pulled him backwards, then pushed his shoulder so he was facing her again. "What the fuck do you think your doing huh," She seethed as she pushed against his shoulders again, so he stumbled back. "You think your all big and strong walking off, after me and Thomas have risked our own life running in here to try and fucking help you and Alby- "

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