chapt. 6

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"The doors are opening," Minho muttered hoarsely, as he tried to shake Emmeline awake, "Wake up, the doors are opening

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"The doors are opening," Minho muttered hoarsely, as he tried to shake Emmeline awake, "Wake up, the doors are opening." The three of them had placed themselves up again a wall close to the glade entrance; Thomas, Emmeline and Minho were sat up with their backs against the wall and had eventually fell asleep after a few hours. Alby was still out cold and was laying, sprawled out in front of them and they'd eventually been able the haul his body down from the tangle of vines and drag him along the stone floor.

Thomas' head had fallen onto Emmeline's shoulder as he slept. They breathed in sync, in and out, Minho still gently shaking her shoulder to awake her. "Emmeline," He said a bit louder.  She stirred slightly and fluttered her eyes open and lifted her head from the wall.
"Yea," she replied.
"The maze doors are opening, we can go." With this she turned to Thomas laying his head against her shoulder and gently tapped his cheek a couple of times with her hand.

"Thomas," she mumbled dryly. A light groan escaped his lips and he opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him. "The doors are opening, we gotta get moving." She said. Minho had already got up, standing in front of them, stretching his arms out in front of him. The pair had followed suit and started to get up from their spot and stretch out their stiff limbs.

"Alright Thomas, I'll take one side of him you take the other" Minho put out, motioning to the limp body lying on the floor at the trios feet. The boys bent down and picked up an arm each and hoisted Alby up to standing level and swung an arm over their shoulders, Minho and Alby now hunched over with the extra weigh pulling them down.

"Alright, Em lead the way, we can hardly see with our heads bent over like this." Minho said, looking down at the floor, unable to look up for too long before his head was dragged down by the force of Albys arm around his neck.

The group of four made their way through the grey hallways of the maze, the rumble of the doors starting to move was heard nearby. The great slabs of concrete grinding against eachother as Chuck and a few other gladers stood outside of the entrance.

"Told you Chuck, They're not coming back." Newt said as he turned away from the maze and started to walk away, the rest of the gladers following suit.

The loud grunts and pants from Thomas and Minho echoed against the walls of the final corridor, causing Zart to turn back around in disbelief, "No way." He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Yeah! Yes!" Chuck shouted out at the sight of the missing gladers. A small crowd started to form as Thomas, Minho, and Emmeline came back into the safety of the glade with Alby under their arms.

"I got him, I got him." Fry started to say as Thomas and Minho lowered Albys limp body onto the ground, "Watch out, Watch out."

"What happened out there? How'd you guys make it out?" Chuck inquired looking down at the escapee gladers who where kneeling against the ground. The other boys scanned the unconscious body that lay on the ground, understanding now that Alby had been stung.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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