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Yoongi smiles big and looks at Hoseok, lowering his bow down. "Cool, huh?"

"It's like an automatic bullseye!" Hoseok shouts in happiness.

"I know, right?" Yoongi chuckles.

"Who taught you? It's for sure as hell not Sensei."

"Kim did." Yoongi turns his head to look at Namjoon.

He sees Namjoon messing with the insides of the animals they found with the other students, straight faced like always and not talking to the students near him. The other students were just cleaning off the meat and started to cook it.

Yoongi smiles small and looks back to Hoseok.

Hoseok's eyes widen. "Don't you know what this means? You-You can finally be a Yabusame!"

Yoongi tsks. "You know I can't."

"No, you can." Hoseok crosses his arms. "You just say you can't because of your father. I suggest you do your own thing now."

Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs. "It's not that easy."

Namjoon sighs, glancing over at Yoongi. He sees Yoongi messing with the bow around his hands, messing with the detail he has on his bow.

Namjoon lowers his eyes. He knows Yoongi wants to be a Yabusame.

"Hey Kim." Seokjin spoke.

Namjoon looks at him. He just looks away, back to what he's doing.

"Can I help?" Seokjin squats down beside him.

Namjoon simply gives him an intestine, putting it right on his hand. Seokjin blinks and stares at the bloody intestine. Namjoon smirks for a quick second, continuing to deal with the other bloody intestines.

He said he wanted to help. That's on him.

Yoongi glanced over and noticed Seokjin is trying to help him. Yoongi hands Hoseok the bow, telling him he'll be right back.

Yoongi jogs over to Namjoon, squatting down beside him. "Let me help." He reaches over to grab two of the intestines, helping him move some of them.

"Thanks." Namjoon comments, wiping his hands on the cloth to take a break.

Seokjin knits his brows. The hell? He's friendly towards Yoongi? The ultimate asshole out of all students? He doesn't get it.

"You've gotten close with Min lately." Seokjin says once Yoongi walked away.

"We're friends."


Namjoon stops cleaning with his fingernail and looks at him, raising a brow. "What'd you mean?"

"I mean...wasn't he an asshole to you in the beginning?" He had to ask.

Namjoon looks away and decides to continue cleaning his nail. "Was. He's not anymore. Not to me."

Seokjin rolls his eyes and puts down the intestine that was handed to him. I don't tend to believe that. "Whatever." He gets up and walks away.

Namjoon rolls his eyes too, knowing he's annoyed.


Another night in the tent. The wind was blowing a lot, moving the tent a bit, but not as bad.

Namjoon wasn't able to sleep, staring at the top of the tent. Yoongi slept, sleeping on his stomach with his arms wrapped around his pillow.

Namjoon decides to sit up from laying down, turning to the side and shakes Yoongi's arm. "Hey."

Yoongi snorts and lifts his head up from the pillow. "Huh? What?" He turns his head to look at him. "What is it?"

Namjoon moves his hand away. "I can't sleep."

Yoongi's brows knit, pushing himself up and turning around to be on his back. "So? I can't do anything about it."

"I know."

Yoongi fully sits up, rubbing his eye. "Then why'd you wake me up?"

Namjoon shrugs. "I don't know. Talk to me."

Yoongi looks at him, raising a brow. He moves his hand away from his eye. "Okay, um... How did you learn how to shoot an arrow like that?"

Namjoon lowers his eyes. "One of the villagers that took care of me. He retired so he decided to teach me. I've been doing it his way since I learned it."

Yoongi nods. "Wow. No wonder you're so good at it."

"My father didn't teach me anything. It was mainly the village."

"And that's Sakamoto Ryoma...right?"

Namjoon nods, lowering his eyes. "Yeah."

Yoongi curls his brows and decides to turn himself to him. "How did you...grow up with him...?"

Namjoon looks at him, then lowers his eyes. "I didn't...really grow up with him. I had to grow up with the village, with strangers. My father always left me alone...protecting the people that needed to be protected. I never met my mother, so I had no one to look out for me personally."

Yoongi frowns. He basically had no one by his side... No wonder he's like this. Yoongi reaches over to his hand, placing his hand on top of his. Namjoon blinks and looks at him, brows curling.

Yoongi smiles small. Namjoon bites the inside of his cheek, lowering his eyes. Yoongi decides to scoot up closer to him and pull him into a hug, a kind hug instead of an awkward hug from last time.

Namjoon gulps hard, feeling his hands on his bare back since they're both shirtless. Yoongi could feel every inch of scar on Namjoon's back, caressing one of them that was the thickest scar.

Namjoon closes his eyes and finally gives in, hugging him back. Yoongi smiles small, closing his eyes. Namjoon's grip was kind of tight, not minding it at all though.

Namjoon nervously caresses Yoongi's back, feeling the small scars he has on his back. Namjoon slides his hands off, moving away.

Yoongi let's go too and looks at him. "You have a lot of scars...on your back." He nervously says.

Namjoon looks at him, raising a brow. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Do you want it to be?"

He rolls his eyes. "No. I rather not."

Yoongi chuckles, lifting his hand up to Namjoon's shoulder scar. "Okay. Then it wasn't a compliment. I was just noticing it."

Namjoon lowly chuckles, looking at where he was touching on him. "That was from a wild animal."

Yoongi looks at him. "What animal?"

"A wolf. It thought I was dead when I was camping outside one day. It clawed me when I woke up."

Yoongi nods, sliding his hand off. "How bad did it hurt?"

Namjoon shrugs. "I don't remember the pain. It was a long time ago."


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