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Namjoon wakes up, sitting himself up.

He stretches out, cracking his neck and the joints in his hands. Namjoon sighs softly, glancing over beside him. He notices that Yoongi was still in the tent, trying to read something.

Namjoon slicks his hair back. "You okay?" He asks.

Yoongi blinks and looks at Namjoon. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He looks back to the paper.

Namjoon raises a brow, trying to glance at what he's looking at. He decides to slip on the top of his kimono, getting a slight shiver from being uncovered.

Yoongi sighs and lowers the paper. "Damnit..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Yoongi rudely says.

Namjoon raises a brow, then knitted. "Min."

Yoongi turns to look at him, brows knitted. "What!?" He yells, then blinks and brows relaxing. "Sorry."

"What's going on?"

Yoongi lowers his eyes. "If I tell you, you'll laugh."

"I won't. What is it?"

Yoongi gulps nervously. "I...I can't read what this says." He shows the paper to Namjoon. "I don't know who sent it."

Namjoon looks at him with his brows curled when he takes the paper, looking down at it.

"Do you know what it says?" Yoongi nervously asks.

Namjoon nods and starts to read through;

Min Soji Yoongi.
Your father does not deserve a child like you. Both you and your father deserves to die. I will be finding you, bringing your head to your father. I will suffocate you until you stop moving. I will cut out your intestines

"Kim?" Yoongi puts a hand on his arm, interrupting him. "What does it say?"

Namjoon looks at him. "You were given a warning."

Yoongi's brows knit. "What warning? Who was it from?"

"It doesn't say. They're threatening to kill you and your father... Did you do something to make someone angry?"

"No." Yoongi's brows curl. "I never even killed anybody in all honesty. My-My father has, not me."

He's in danger. Namjoon folds the paper, pushing himself up on his feet. "We need to let Sensei know."

Yoongi quickly grabs his arm with both hands and pulls him right back down. "No! No, you can't—he'll think I'm in trouble again."

"You are. In danger type of trouble. He needs to know." Namjoon moves his arm to push his hands off, standing back up and pushing the mesh door open to exit out.

Yoongi quickly gets up and follows, pushing the mesh door open too. He sees Namjoon walking right to Sensei without hesitation, slightly griping the paper in his hand.

Yoongi jogs himself over in front of him. "Kim!" He whisper yells, stopping him. "Kim, you can't—I beg of you."

"You're in danger, Min."

"I can deal with it myself, Kim." Yoongi reaches over and grabs the paper out of his hand. "I don't need someone to protect me. Seriously."


Yoongi tightens his fists. "I fucking told you, I don't need to be protected. I'm a fucking student for a reason."

Namjoon's brows relax.

In his eyes, Yoongi's scared. He afraid to admit the truth to him, so he's saying he doesn't need protection. But Yoongi's telling himself he has to be like his father. He doesn't want to be considered weak.

Hoseok walks up to them. "Is everything alright?"

Yoongi glances at Hoseok, then to Namjoon. "We're fine." He lowers his eyes and passes Namjoon, bumping into his shoulder.

Hoseok's brows curl, watching Yoongi leave. He looks back to Namjoon. "Is he?"

Namjoon's eyes lower. He slowly looks at him. "He is. Just woke up in a mad mood."

He lied for Yoongi's sake, turning around to leave the area. Hoseok sighs, glancing over at their Sensei. Something's up with them...


Namjoon kept a hold of his handle of his sword, griping it tightly. Namjoon kept looking around, making sure nothing's going to happen.

Their Sensei and all of the students were going back to the place, going how it was before with their Sensei on a horse while everyone walked.

Yoongi kept quiet like last time, not caring about his surroundings. Hoseok was beside him, wondering what's up with him now.

Hoseok nudges him. "Soji."

Yoongi looks at him. "What?"

"What's with you? You were silent then and you are again. Did Kim do something?"

"It's nothing, Jung. I just...I didn't sleep well."

Hoseok didn't believe him, brows knitting up. Hoseok knows Yoongi doesn't usually wake up in a bad mood, he's just a normal asshole, not having random bad moods.

Yoongi lifts his head up and looks at the back of Namjoon's head. Protection... From Sensei or from him? His brows curl, lowering his eyes back down.

Yoongi wished he could be fully honest. But if he was honest, he'll seem weak. He hoped Namjoon didn't see him as weak from opening up to him a bit.


All of the students stopped when Sensei shouted.

Namjoon's grip got tighter. Yoongi looks up and brows curled. Hoseok's brows knit. Seokjin got a grip on his sword, looking around. They were still in the middle of the forest, not even out of it.

Suddenly, a group of strangers appeared, getting in front of them. They were official warriors, not students or villages.

Sensei kept his hand on the sword. "We're just passing through. No harm."

"We are in need of someone out of your students."

Sensei's brows knit. "My students are not going anywhere."

"We're looking for Min Soji Yoongi. Okita has command us."

Namjoon backs up to get closer to Yoongi. Yoongi's brows knit at what the stranger said.

"Sir Soji Okita would have informed me. We have let others know we were out before we left." Sensei comments.

"It's an order from Sir Okita."

Namjoon huffs and walks forward, passing the students.

Yoongi looks at Namjoon and widen his eyes. "Kim!" He whisper yells.

Right when Namjoon got right in the front, he pulls out his sword and aims the sharp point at the person in front.

"Kim! Stand down!"

Namjoon didn't listen, his aim stern and completely still.

"Kim Nam Joon. Stand. Down." Sensei repeats.

Yoongi curls his brows and walks over to the front, pushing his way through to him. If he won't listen to Sensei, he'll listen to me.

Yoongi places a soft hand on Namjoon's arm. "Kim." He softly says. "Lower your weapon."

Namjoon's jaw clench, slowly lowering his sword down. "Min Soji Yoongi isn't going anywhere. Sensei's orders." And mine.


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