Chapter 16: A Shocking Realization

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|Stacy's POV|

5 days later

He- he kissed him. He kissed him. I thought, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces. I was at lunch, causally eating a burger with my friends when I noticed Luke and Zander sitting with each other. I was about to call to Luke when the two kissed. I was gaping at them, devastated. I had heard that Zander and Luke were dating, but I had just assumed that it was a rumor. My friends noticed me gasping and looked at me with confused looks, followed by looks of understanding and pity.

"Oh... that. I thought you heard, Stacy? They started dating a few weeks ago." My friend, Harper said. My eyes were welling up with tears, but I quickly blinked them away.

"Um... I- I need to go... just- give me a second." I quickly said, my voice cracking as I rose from my seat. I speed-walked to the exit of the cafeteria and went towards the bathroom. I ran towards a sink, sobbing quietly, and set my hands around the edges of it. I looked up to the mirror, letting my tears flow now as I rose my hands to face covering my wet eyes as I cried.

"Hello?" A voice asked. I gasped and turned around. Standing at the entrance was a purple haired boy. No, it wasn't Zander, as I originally thought. It was Drew, the boy who always bullied my crush, Luke. The devastation I had felt before was replaced with a burning anger.

"You!" I said, pointing a finger at him. "What do you want?! To bully me too? Haven't you had enough, with Jake leaving the group?!" Drew's eyes widened a little, then he look down sadly.

"I have had enough. My stupid actions made Jake leave, Zoey cheated on me, and now everyone hates me. As you can see, my life has been great so far." He said bitterly. My glaring eyes softened, realizing what he'd been through.

Wow... he's been through so much worse than me. I realized, rubbing my arm.

"Whatever... you don't want me here anyways. I might as well leave." He turned around, ready to head back to cafeteria when I called to him.

"Wait!" I called after him. "I'm sorry for judging you. Luke told me that you were horrible to them, but you don't seem that bad." I winced, hearing myself say Luke's name, and I felt the flashbacks of when I thought he loved me back coming on. My eyes widened, remembering when Zander kissed Luke, remembering when I confessed to him and Luke ran off after Zander, leaving me alone.

"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no." I whispered, trying to pull myself out of these memories.

"St-Stacy?" Drew asked, stretching arm towards me. "Are you okay?" I didn't respond, still on the verge of panic.

"Oh, sh*t. Not again." I said quietly, widening my eyes even more.

"Stacy! What's happening? Are you okay?" He asked, coming closer.

"A panic attack! I don't have them that often, and no one knows that I get them, and my mom would freaking kill me if she found out that you know, and Luke probably hates me now, and he loves Zander and I-" I exploded, blurting out all the things I felt in my head. "I'm not enough for him. He loves someone else." I collapsed onto my knees, unable to keep my tears from falling down my cheeks.

"Stacy..." Drew started, coming closer to me, and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Should I take you to the nurse? I mean... I know that no one is supposed to know, but..." I shakily shook my head, calming down. I stood up, wiping my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. My stupid feelings being stupid, and my stupid heart breaking..." I sighed. "Please don't tell anyone..."

"I wouldn't." Drew reassured. He prepared to exit the bathroom, when I called to him again.

"Wait... maybe... do you mind if I sit with you at lunch tomorrow?" I hesitantly asked. Drew cocked his head curiously, then nodded.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind that."

Hello my Blueberries! 🦋🫐

So, I think you guys have guessed who I'm now shipping Drew with, (Stacy) and I bet you're confused because Drew likes Jake, and now I'm shipping him with Stacy. Which I have a solution to. So now, Drew is apparently queer 😅
I mean, it fits, seeing as he loved Zoey, then Jake, then eventually Stacy soooooooooooo

Bye, my Blueberries! ✨✨

Broken Promises |A JAILEY FAN FICTION|TMF AUWhere stories live. Discover now