A Different Perspective

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Authors note

The picture up top is my cat. Just wanted to see if it could give some of you a smile.
No idea if it will have any part of the story. . . Maybe we'll be adopting a cat
Who knows
Anyways on to the story
3rd POV

The human was strange.

That's what most of the skeletons were thinking. They were honestly skeptical of them and all agreed to keep their guards up.

So when Classic went to greet the human and gauge their reaction after the . . . Accident with a certain axe, all the others followed, hiding behind a corner just within earshot of the kitchen to see what the human does.

They thought that if it was only one of them the human would show its true nature and attack him with the axe that was thrown earlier.

They knew Classic could defend himself so they weren't really worried. Unexpectedly, that didn't happen. Instead they heard what sounded like someone getting startled.

Curious, they peeled around the corner to see the human holding . . . Plates.

Where was the axe!

In response to their thoughts, as if the universe just wanted to taunt them, they saw a glint in the corner of their eyes. Turning to face it, the skeletons realized what it was.

The axe!

The human actually set it down?! Are they crazy?! What if we were violent and hostile towards them?! Are they that confident we won't attack?!

These were some of the thoughts running through the more violent based skeletons while the kinder ones were wondering if the human just didn't enjoy fighting or something.

While the meaner skeletons were berating the human in their heads for leaving the weapon in the open and within their reach, the others noticed what sounded like farting.

They immediately knew classic did his handshake trick and some couldn't help but groan-mainly the taller skeletons and the goop covered one-while the others were trying not to laugh.

Looking around the corner again they saw the human's face of disbelief as if they couldn't believe they fell for such a bad trick.

It took all of the shorter skeleton's' willpower to not laugh out loud and give away their spot.

When they did get a hold of themselves they realized the human was about to speak so they hurriedly leaned forward to listen.

"Yeah it's a real CLASSIC"

After a moment of shock the taller skeletons were all trying to not groan while the shorter ones were doing everything in their power not to die laughing.

What shocked them even more than the human making a pun was Classic.

He was laughing.

And it was genuine.

After an unknown amount of time the human made another pun. "geez I didn't think you would find this so HUMERUS, if BONELY I knew, I had a SKELE-TON of jokes I could have used".

That was the last straw.

All the shorter skeletons- except for certain blue, yellow, malfunctioning, and goopy ones-were on the floor rolling around with muffled chuckles and gasping for air along with a single taller skeleton who was quietly chuckling in his fist.

The taller skeletons were rubbing right above their nasal cavities and grumbling under their breaths while the blue themed skeleton was thinking of reprimanding the human and Classic, that is until the yellow one put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head, so he let it go.

After one more pun from Classic, they were guessing it was a pun because the human was now bent over laughing along with Classic, they started moving forward.

What surprised them is as soon as they shuffled two steps, you were looking at them. You asked how long they were there to which one of the better liars responded "since the first pun".

They were watching the human closely (they really needed to get the human's name so they can stop referring to them as "the human") so they immediately picked up on how their eyes seemed to harden from that before they sighed and shrugged mumbling something under their breath.

They then turned their back to the skeletons which made some of them look at the human in disbelief. . .how were they so confident the skeletons wouldn't attack?!

When the human turned back around the skeletons noticed thy were holding plates. After walking a couple steps the nicer taller skeleton and his short counterpart took the plates from them saying "LEAVE THIS TO US HUMAN" and followed where the human led them.

They led the skeletons to what looked like a big but comfortable dining room.

Some of the lazier skeletons were seriously contemplating laying on the rug under the table before remembering they didn't trust the human enough to nap.

After setting down the plates-it was honestly way too much food for a single human-they waited to see what the human would do next.

Completely shocking them, they just told the skeletons to dig in.

The more suspicious skeletons immediately thought the food was poisoned, heck, even the nicer ones were looking wearily.

Seeming to guess their hesitation, the human started to eat the food they made, after a couple of moments of the human not falling over dead, the skeletons started to fix their own plates.

While they were doing so they were highly aware that the human was staring at them. A couple of them were seriously considering snapping at the human when they suddenly blinked and looked away as the skeletons began finding somewhere to sit.

They all started to dig in and we're very surprised.

The food



They all started scarfing the food with compliments in their heads-although they would never say them out loud since none really trusted the human-and before they knew it their plates were empty.

As everyone finished, the human sighed and heaved themselves out of their chair catching all of their attention before they finally spoke again.

"Now that eating is out of the way and I now have just enough energy to deal with . . . . this, it's time to ask, who the double hockey sticks are you and how did you get in my house?"
They couldn't believe what they heard and were honestly questioning the humans sanity-although a certain 90s themed skeleton was actually pretty happy-before registering the rest of the humans words.

When they did several started to explain.

At the same time.

They could tell the human needed more coffee.

Another chapter finished.
Hopefully everything made sense and you could tell what was happening.
Anyways hoped you enjoyed the chapter and can't wait for what I'll do next.
If I'm being honest I'm literally just winging this and hoping it turns out alright.
Finally, have a good day/night/afternoon wherever you are

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