Lunch of death

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The foods were a fascinating combination of a normal recipe mashed together with things inedible to normal people. The tacos seemed to contain glitter, glue, and was that a Lego?

The spaghetti looked normal but the sauce seemed a tad too bright of a red to only be tomato and the meatballs looked strange. The other plate of spaghetti actually had bird feathers coming out of the meatballs.

The most normal food option seemed to be sandwiches, but even those seemed to contain strange things such as gummy bears and an abundance of what looked to be jalapeños.

Y/n once again gulped at the fascinatingly gross looking food and thanked the food gods that they had an iron stomach that could practically digest anything. Though they might have to take the Lego out of the taco to save their teeth some pain.

Taking one last fortifying breath, Y/n made a plate for themselves under the anticipating eyes of several papyri and sanses alike.

Ever so slowly, Y/n brought the taco closer to their face before taking a bite and chewing ever so slowly. They watched as the skeletons leaned towards them, some in anticipation of their reaction while others wondering when they would throw up.

"This is actually really good".

"What?!" Some of the skeletons looked like they would drop from shock making Y/n smirk in amusement.

"I said it tastes pretty good. Though if I may Blue?"


"You went a little to heavy on the salt when you were cooking and may have been to enthusiastic when chopping the onion as you accidentally forgot to peel it also, you left the meat on the stove a few minutes longer than necessary".

Out of the corner of their eye, Y/n could see Honey glaring at them slightly. Y/n chose to ignore this in favor of seeing how Blue took their criticism.

*gasp?!* "I Knew There Was Something Keeping My Tacos From Being Perfect! Thank You Hum-Y/n! You're The First Person To Give Me Actual Feedback On My Tacos Besides That It Tastes Good!"

"You're most welcome Blue, I'm glad my feedback was well received". Y/n said with a warm undertone, happy their opinion was taken into consideration. They also noticed the slight shock on Honey's face out of the corner of their eyes making them think of how badly he must've thought Blue would've taken criticism. This made Y/n frown, they knew for a fact that none of the skeletons, even the sweet ones, would be that fragile. They hoped that this would be an eye-opener to the overprotective Honey.

A loud voice broke them from their thoughts as Pumpkin excitedly pushed their spaghetti closer to them. "PLEASE DO TRY MINE NEXT! I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF MY MARVELOUS SPAGHETTI!".

"Of course Pumpkin". Y/n reached their fork over to get a decent scoop of Pumpkin's spaghetti before placing it in their mouth and taking slow, deliberate chews. After contemplating the flavor and deciding it was edible and therefore yummy, Y/n began to give Pumpkin their honest opinion about the taste.

"You went a bit heavy on the fire when boiling the noodles so they weren't able to complement your tomato sauce fully and you accidentally switched the Parmesan for powdered sugar and I'm sadly unable to eat the bird feather as it is something I can't digest, but otherwise I enjoy it".

To make sure Pumpkin knew you weren't lying, you took another bite, chewed, swallowed, and smiled kindly up at the towering skeleton.

Pumpkin looked absolutely ecstatic at the feedback and, in Y/n's opinion, adorable. To be fair, life had royally screwed them over so their taste in what is cute is also messed up. They didn't care though, they were too busy enjoying being in the presence of Pumpkin.


With a smile and a warmth in their chest, Y/n assured him that they were more than happy to continue critiquing his food should he ever need a second opinion which Pumpkin and Blue both wholeheartedly accepted.

The next food to try was Cream's spaghetti so, taking just as big of a scoop as they did with Pumpkin's, Y/n took a bite and slowly chewed once more. It took a little while longer for Y/n to think of any critiques, but finally they swallowed and looked towards Cream.

"Your noodles were perfectly done and your meat was well cooked but you left the tomato sauce over the fire a little too long and at a tad too high temperature. A suggestion would be to use medium heat and slowly stir when dealing with tomato sauce as it can be a bit finicky when cooking. Otherwise, I have no other critiques for your food, it was really good".

At Y/n's words, the previously slightly nervous Cream immediately bounced back with full excitement now that he knew why his perfect spaghetti never tasted quite right to him.


The warm feeling in Y/n's stomach grew as their smile softened even more at Cream's gratitude.

"You're most welcome Cream". They said in a warm voice they usually only ever use around children and animals. Y/n then turned towards the last food option on their plate, the sandwich.

Just like the other papyri, Clip was watching Y/n bring the food to their mouth with both anticipation and nervousness. Clip watched as Y/n took a big bite and began to chew. He watched, just as all the other skeletons watched, as Y/n's brows furrowed before they started to nod their head. He watched as they swallowed and took a second to seemingly bring their thoughts together, and he watched as they opened their mouth to speak.

Suddenly overcome with nerves, Clip straightened his back and nervously held Y/n's gaze. With a soft smile, Y/n began to speak.

"A suggestion for next time, when you add jalapeños to a sandwich, it's a good idea to lightly de-seed them so that the spice level is lower. Though adding the gummy bears did help to reduce the heat, it is a bit too spicy for most people. The meat and cheese you chose were good choices that nicely complemented the peppers and gummy bears and I really enjoy how you lightly grilled the sandwich. It's very good", Y/n said with the same smile as the last two.

Clip seemed to ponder their words before asking how to de-seed a pepper and also how they were able to eat it if it was too spicy for most people.

Y/n simply told him what they told Classic, "I have an iron stomach but that doesn't mean your food isn't delicious, it just means I can critique your food as well as enjoy it without having to worry about feeling nauseous if there was something wrong with the food. It just means I can enjoy more without the normal human limits". "As for de-seeding peppers, I'll show you how to do that tonight while making dinner".

With these words, Clip was finally satisfied and thanked Y/n for their feedback with just as much exuberance as Pumpkin, Cream, and Blue.

Y/n ate the rest of their food and without leaving any leftovers and rose to take their plate to the sink. Before they could, however, Pumpkin lightly pulled the dish away from them as the rest of the papyri who cooked rose as well. "WE WILL BE DOING DISHES TODAY AS WELL AS CLEANING THE KITCHEN FROM OUR MESS SO PLEASE DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANY OF THIS MESS  Y/N."

"Thank you very much everyone, I'll be out in the garden if any of you need me". Y/n said as they walked out of the dining room and towards the back door.

Once outside, Y/n took a deep breath before heading to the garden. Halfway there they stopped and called out to the person behind them "you might as well walk with me instead of following behind me. Especially if you want to talk".

A chuckle was heard behind hem as a figure walked towards them and to their side. Looking out of the corner of their eye, they were slightly surprised by who followed them.

Author's Note

IM ALIVE!!!!! Sorry i took forever to update, I just wasn't sure how to do this chapter. Anyways, next chapter will most likely take just as long, mostly because I'm about to start up school again but such is life.

(One dramatic sigh later)

Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and I will see you all next chapter.

Have a great day/night/evening!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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