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hyunjin pov:
felix was ignoring me more and more as days went by which led me to crying harder each night.

i haven't talked to anyone about this only because they'd think i'm being overdramatic, though i'm not.

i've lost my best friend and crush all in one, what worse possible thing could happen to me right now?

in my heart, i do wish i just had someone that would be here for me but, like always, i'm the one with that job.

i help every one with their problems but i never seem to get that love and care back.

right now it's about 1:00 am and i'm up late thinking about felix, sobbing lightly.

i hear a knock on my door and suddenly i go quiet.

did they hear me crying?

i get up to unlock the door and open it just a tad bit so the person wouldn't see my puffed up face and teary eyes.


he doesn't respond and just opens the door fully, shutting it behind him then looking at me in the eyes.

"what's wrong, hyunjin?" he asks, concerned.

i don't say anything and just hug him, my cries becoming louder and minho trying to comfort me.

after i finally settle down, i sit on my bed and tell minho everything. i'm sure they've heard that felix 'denied' the rumors already, but they wouldn't have thought i'm upset about that. and that, i could tell from minho's shocked face after i told him.

"oh my, i'm so sorry hyunjin. have you tried talking to him?" he looks at me with sympathy and rubs my back softly.

"yeah, but he just ignores me every time."

"don't let him ignore you."


minho laughs then talks again, "i have to deal with this with jisung all the time. he may act like he doesn't want to talk but in reality he's just scared to communicate."

i nod, understanding what he's explaining.

"so, if he tries to ignore you and walk away, just talk to him firmly and keep trying till he talks with you. but if he gets uncomfortable, give him more time, time heals everything."

i nod again, "thank you, minho."

he gives me a soft smile, "of course, hyunjin."

"minhoo~" a familiar boy opens the door, looking for his boyfriend. "come back to bed, i'm cold," he pouted.

minho laughs at his boyfriends actions then gets up, walking over to jisung then walking out, giving me a head nod of good luck. i nod back and sigh, all the stress gone away now, i can finally sleep peacefully.

minho's pov:
"you okay, love?" jisung asks me, concerned but also confused.

i just hummed and fixed my position so i was laying on his lap and he was playing with my hair.

"yeah, just worried about hyunjin and felix," i finally answer back with a exasperated sigh.

"why? what happened with them two?"

i began telling him everything i knew about the situation, leaving out the parts of hyunjin being really upset about it.

"you know.. felix probably got that from me," he laughs and looks down at me.

i let out a chuckle, "i told hyunjin how to handle it."

a fake pout appears on his face and it makes me burst out with laughter.

i bring up my hand to caress his face and he leans down to kiss me. i giggled as he slightly tickled my side. soon after, i feel a wave of tiredness wash over me and i fall asleep.

felix's pov:
"aish! you won again," i say in frustration, not trying to yell just because it's morning and theres not a lot of people awake quite yet.

"that's only because you just really suck at mario kart," changbin replies and laughs at me.

he turns off the tv and looks at me, suddenly concerned.

"what's going on between you and hyunjin?"

i knew he was gonna pop that question.

"there's nothing going on," i reply simply.

"but there clearly is. he seems really upset lately and you guys are really distant!" he slightly yells out.

"what? are you taking his side?" i scoff.

"i'm not taking any sides felix! i just want you to talk to me. what's really happening?" he gives me a sympathetic look.

"it's my fault, not his. it doesn't really matter," i announce, standing up and stretching.

"but it doe—" changbin begins to say before a certain someone interrupted him.

"felix!" hyunjin shouts.

i begin walking to my room, really not wanting to talk about it with fear he will be really mad.

"felix!" he yells again, this time frustrated.

i can hear him sigh behind me as he takes my shoulder before i can walk into my room. i was basically forced to look him in the eye at that point and when i did, it broke me. seeing him so upset like that is more than i could handle so i immediately looked away.

"i just want to talk.." he says with a sad tone of voice.

knowing he won't give up, i open the door, creating a pathway for him to walk into.

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