Chapter One

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

My eyes run up and down my reflection in the mirror, making sure I look presentable, though it doesn't matter that much. My eyes looked at my brother, Michael, through the mirror, who was sitting on the edge of my bed. He was eyeing me skeptically. Our eyes met and I nodded. "I can handle myself. It's just to check out the space, maybe get asked some questions." I replied distractedly, wondering if the breakout on my chin was as noticeable to others as I deemed it was. I was usually wrong in this scenario.

"Yeah, but you don't know this guy-" He protests then suddenly he glances at the shorts hung on my hips, that reach just above the knee. "Dude, are those mine?!" He sits up straighter, giving me an accusatory look. I spin around quickly to face him, giving him an apologetic look. "Parker, I've been looking for those." He whines.

"I'll give them back when I get home, they go with this shirt." My fingers pinch the bottom of the army green XL tee, pulling it to show it off. The shorts were a khaki color. I sat on the floor in front of the mirror and grabbed two socks- a long gray one and a long back one, and pulled them onto my feet. Michael scolds me about being a thief and I'm half listening, half wondering what this potential future roommate of mine will turn out to be like. If he likes me enough to allow me to move in, that is. Although I still had some time before my 3rd year began, I wanted to be settled a bit before it actually began in a month and a half. I scan my messy bedroom floor and I locate my brush. I grab it and run it through my hair, though it didn't make it look less messy.

"-I should just start stealing your clothes too, not like you even buy from the women's section anyways!"

"Go right ahead." I spin on my butt, the carpet under me tickling my palms, and face him. "But you won't have much time left if this interview goes well." I tease.

"Ugh, don't remind me. Now I'm gonna have to keep Jackson in line." Michael throws himself back onto the bed dramatically.

I shake my head and laugh. "He's 17, he's not a baby. Just make sure he brings lunch to school a few days a week, and make sure he doesn't skip." Standing, I begin to gather my fanny pack off the floor, making sure my wallet and keys are in there. I pull it over my head, placing it in an across the chest style and I leave my bedroom. Michael follows suit, saying something about Jackson skipping school sometimes isn't the end of the world. I agree but also reiterate he should try his best to keep our youngest brother in line. He trails behind me as I make my way around the house towards the foyer, where I sit on the floor and tug my converse on my feet. "Do you really have to move out?" Michael then surprises me by asking.

I want to tell him I feel suffocated in this house, not because of him, or Jackson, or my father. The self hatred that has latched onto me in this house since I was a young girl was swallowing me whole. I couldn't replace her anymore and take care of my brothers like they were my own. My face falls and I avoid his eyes. "I just want a bit of freedom Michael. And I want to be closer to school." These reasons weren't lies. We lived so far from the university, parking there was so expensive. The long bus ride there really messed with my schedule, attempting to find the perfect balance between school and work.

"I guess so yeah. I forget we're becoming grown ups." He trails off, looking at me intently. He was only 2 years younger than me, just having turned 19 last month. I glanced up at him, his facial expression was bittersweet. "Just a lot of changes these last few years." His voice sounds nostalgic, distant even.

I pull myself to my feet so I'm standing in front of him and clap my hand on his upper arm, the sound echoing through the foyer. "I know, becoming an adult is weird. Too many changes all of a sudden." I always delve into these little talks with all my brothers, but with Michael the most. We were very similar out of the four of us. Even though I was not the oldest, I felt like I was. I was forced to grow up quicker than I had wanted and was shoved into it without a say. Or at least that's what I felt like. "I gotta go so I'm not late. I'll call you if anything comes up." Michael nods softly, I can see him anxiously chewing the flesh of the inside of his cheek. We were alike in many ways, except he was quite a bit taller than I was, and I myself was above average height already. I grab the door handle behind me and open the front door.

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