Chapter Seven

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Everything was literally fine, I'm still so lost on how she made a catastrophe out of fucking nothing. I was literally behaving like a civilized human being, even more than that- like those weird kids in those Mormon families you see in those cursed movies. I didn't say anything wrong, was quiet, and spoke when spoken to. She just had to let her excessively rude thoughts out like it was some sort of compulsion. It was obvious her intent was to hurt me. She was good at hitting those sore spots that she learned over the years. I didn't even care what she thought at this point... but she wasn't mature enough to keep her mouth shut for an evening? I never understood her weird obsession with my appearance. More like her weird obsession to destroy any ounce of self esteem I had left- if any.

My cheeks were wet from tears, and I tried wiping my eyes so I could focus better on the road. I didn't like that I cried when I was angry. Of course, I was a little hurt too. Hearing those words from anyone, let alone from your own mother was bad enough as is. But again, I shouldn't be shocked at this point. It wasn't like I haven't been listening to this my whole life. I made a mental note to block her number when I get home. It seems like this is the 20th time I will block her yet again, after I shamefully unblocked her. Somehow I always ended up feeling guilty. It was a vicious cycle and I needed to quit. When I pulled up to the apartment building, I realized I wasn't even there for an hour. I beat my Christmas record.

I tried to get my breathing under control but it just got worse and suddenly, I was hyperventilating in my car. I didn't wanna barge through the apartment like this, but I couldn't sit out here, I was dying in this scorching heat. I think the hot car was making me feel even more suffocated. I got out and made my way inside, choked sobs making their way up my throat every few seconds. The crying, the breathing- fuck, the sting in my cheek wasn't so pleasant either. I just was out of control and I didn't know how to stop it. I unlocked the apartment door, and covered my mouth with my free hand praying Maverick was in his bedroom. But no. He was sitting on the couch, same as when I left half laying down watching a show. I shut the door and that's when he looks over at me. Fuck. I wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.

I angrily yank my shoes off and drop them on the boot mat. He's just looking at me, but suddenly he's rising from his spot on the couch. He's talking but I can't register what he's even saying. I begin to dart towards my bedroom, simply just wanting to bury myself in bed. But he's suddenly in my way and I bump into his chest. "Sorry." I whisper between the sobs. I wipe my hands down my face roughly, probably making it look even worse.

"What the fuck happened? Are you hurt?" His hands are suddenly on my upper arms, and he's inspecting every inch of me. Another sob raked through my chest. I look forward, too afraid to look up at his face. I'm level with his chest. His shoulders were wide under his loose t-shirt. It had a little VANS logo on the right chest. I think I have this exact shirt, this was good to distract myself with nonsense, focusing on these stupid little details. I probably looked like a disaster right now. When I cried my face turned an unholy shade of red and my nose resembled a faucet.

"I'm not hurt." I rasp out. "I fucking hate my mom." Suddenly his large hands moved from my arms and cupped my jaw, tilting my head up so he could get a good look at me. It dawned on me how close in proximity we were. I chewed the inside of my cheek so hard it began hurting. I tasted blood, but didn't mind that. His dark eyes were searching mine. I felt my heart slow, and my breathing was slowly regulating. I don't think I've ever been held like this, it felt surreal. I've hugged my family and that one high school boyfriend. I didn't have actual intimate contact like this and fuck, did it ever feel good. I felt lost in the surrealism of it all. My head was spinning, now these comforting feelings mixed in with the shit storm I just came from. I felt dizzy.

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