Chapter Three

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The phone on my alarm shook me from my sleep rather unpleasantly. Man I was fucking beat. I rolled over and grabbed it, silencing the alarm and unlocking my phone immediately so I wasn't tempted to fall back asleep. I sent a text to my dad with the apartment address and to text me when he's on the way.

I pulled myself up and felt my hair, it was a little greasy but I was a little lazy in regards to showering at the moment. I rummaged through my closet and bags of clothes that still needed to be put away in the dresser I haven't built just yet. I stripped from my sleep clothes grabbed a pair of beige overalls that were made from a light material and a white t-shirt with a little graphic design on the upper right chest. I didn't have my mirror hung up in my room yet, as it was resting against the wall in the common area against the wall like my mattress had been. I pull a black beanie from a bag and pull it onto my greasy roots. As I exited my bedroom I smelled coffee, seeing a pot made on the counter. To my surprise, Maverick was already awake, sitting on the balcony with a mug in hand and a cigarette dangling from his lips. My phone buzzed in my hand, my dad texted back saying 'Thx, I'll be leaving here around 940, let you know when I'm there' I simply reacted a thumbs up to the message and put the phone in my pocket.

I step in front of the mirror and examine my clothes choice for the day. Out of habit my mind thought about what my mother and what she would say about my appearance, which only made me angry and discouraged. I shook the thoughts from my head and made my way to the kitchen. I didn't want to assume I could just have some coffee, which reminded me of something. I walk towards the balcony and open the door slowly, stepping out. Maverick glanced up at me and nodded his head towards my direction, he wore sunglasses, and rightfully so. It was bright as fuck. He fanned the air to get rid of the cigarette smoke but I waved a hand at him dismissively, letting him know it's fine.

"Hey, I have a question." I sit on a chair opposite to him. He nods, urging me to continue. "I'm not sure how you did stuff with your old roommate." I paused, realizing I know nothing about who he even used to live with, and why they 'urgently' moved out. It wasn't really my business, I was just curious I guess. "But I don't know how this shit works, and I was just wondering what you wanted to do in regards to groceries. Did you want to continue to buy your stuff and I just buy my own? Or we could make a list of stuff we both like and just split the cost?" I twiddled my fingers in my lap. I couldn't see his eyes through the sunglasses but I could feel them on me. He seemed to be an observer as well.

He pursed his lips together for a moment. I watch the ash on his cigarette burn slowly. "Might be more cost effective for us if we split."

"Yeah, it works for me. I can go get some stuff today, then next time we can make a list and go?" I suggest. He shakes his head, and takes a quick drag. He puts the butt out in the ashtray then drops it in there. I liked to smoke cigarettes sometimes when I was drinking, I thought to say that out loud but he probably doesn't give a fuck.

"I'm running low on stuff, so we can go today if you want? I just have a brunch thing but.. when I'm back this afternoon?" He says. I nod, then realize the last time I checked the time it was nearing 9:30.

"Sure. My dad will probably be here at 10:20 but I'm sure he won't be here for too long." I don't know why I told him that, but he shared his plans so I guess he can know mine for the day. He pulls the sunglasses off and places them at the top of his head, the sun no longer directly in his face. "If you got a brunch thing, shouldn't you be leaving soon?" I couldn't help but ask. He tilts his head to the side, considering my question. I hope he doesn't think I'm invasive or whatever. I was just trying to make conversation.

"I'll introduce myself to your dad then head out. Doesn't really matter when I show up." He shrugs. I squint my eyes, considering asking why it doesn't matter but I decide against it.

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