Chapter Ten

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The next morning I had a slight headache which was better than expected, seeing as we all got pretty wasted last night. As the night went on I stopped thinking about Mason's words and focused on having fun and being carefree. More alcohol helped a lot with that. We ended up putting on a funny movie and gathering around, basically joking and talking about it the entire time. It was honestly the most fun I had in a while. Shortly after midnight Seth and Mason took an Uber home and Maverick and I parted ways and passed out in our respective bedrooms. I ended up just falling asleep in my clothes.

I was laying on my side, willing myself to get out of bed. I felt pretty gross, my hair and face feel greasy. The headache ebbed between a pounding pain and a lingering soreness. I needed to sort myself out before I felt l worse. I tapped my phone screen and it lit up- it was just 8:00 am. I threw my sheets off and trudged out of my room, making my first stop at the kitchen. I put down two ibuprofen and chug some water before going into the bathroom and turning on the shower. Before I take my clothes off I examine my face in the mirror, I looked pretty fucked up. My eye bags were puffy and my skin was a little blotchy and uneven. Gross. I turn away and strip off my clothes and get under the hot water. It felt so refreshing. I spent extra time scrubbing my skin to wipe off last night's grime. By the time I stepped out of the shower my headache was slowly but surely disappearing. I love painkillers.

I scrunched my hair with my towel so it wasn't dripping and wrapped my towel around myself, not wanting to put the clothes back on. They reeked of cigarettes. I bundled them in my hands and when I left the bathroom, I was surprised to run straight into Maverick, who looked just as bad as I did. Though he was actually clothed. I flinched and almost lost my towel but I pressed it against my chest and took a step away from him.

"Shit sorry." His eyes flicker down to my bare legs then to my chest. I realized my hands weren't just keeping the towel up but pressing my boobs together so they actually looked like they existed. I readjust it and look up at his face.

"It's okay." I practically whisper. He moves out of my way and goes into the bathroom and I dart to my bedroom. Thoughts loomed around my head again, specifically Mason saying Mav seems happier since I've moved in, that he talks about me a lot, and that he wasn't able to share about his last 'roommate' situation.

I pull on new underwear, a sports bra, sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. Thankfully, I felt a bit better. I went into the kitchen and started whipping up some pancake batter. I heard the shower running. I tried to not think of that run-in I just had with Maverick. He was staring at my tits. Maybe he thought I didn't have any since they're barely visible under my loose clothes. I mean, he is a dude. Not saying that in a bad way. If I ran into him and he was in a towel and dripping in water I'd probably stare too and be a bit shocked as well. I literally ran into him. He looked almost more hungover than I was. I'm pretty sure he drank way more than I had.

After the third pancake was done he came out of the bathroom. I didn't bother to turn and look at him but couldn't help myself as I placed a plate of done pancakes on the counter to my right. A quick glance over my shoulder showed me just a glimpse of him heading into his bedroom wearing his sweatpants but no shirt as he rubbed his hair in a towel. The door shut after him quickly. I continued the pancakes and not even a minute he was back out. This time I fully looked over and saw him now in a short, his hair 'towel dried', still damp, and pushed back on his head. I gave him a meek smile which he returned before I turned back around. Not awkward at all, right?

He clears his throat. "Here, lemme do the rest." He suggests.

"Uh no thanks man. I'm on a fuckin roll now." I feel him close behind me as he reaches past my head to grab the painkillers. He takes two and gulps down his water quickly.

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