Chapter Eleven

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It was fun closing the shop up by myself. I got to connect my phone to the aux and play whatever the fuck I wanted, I got to do a walk through of all of the aisles to make sure everything was cleanly put away in its place (maybe even find some books for myself), sweep and mop. I just had a certain way I went about things, and it was rare I closed alone anymore. They always put me with some new hires even though I let them know I don't need the extra hands. Honestly, some of them made it messier and slower if possible. We closed to the public at 10:00pm and then I cleaned for the next hour then locked up at 11:00pm.

I gathered my stuff from the breakroom and left through the front door, locking up the doors and pulling to make sure they were actually locked. As I walked to my car, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Maverick's name flash across the top. I swipe to answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey what's up?" I say. Maybe he was seeing if I was coming to meet him, or maybe they were wrapping up and needed a ride home from the bar. He had gone with Seth and Mason. They invited me to go but I unfortunately had to work. I didn't know how late they'd be out but I was potentially going to go but I was a bit tired from work.

"Parker!" It was not Mavericks' voice coming through the phone which immediately worried me. It was Mason.

"Mason? Why are you calling me off Mav's phone, is everything okay?" I start walking a bit more quickly to my car.

"You're off work now right? Can you please come get us uhhh..." I could hear him breathing heavily, and I could hear a lot of background noise like he was in traffic. What the fuck? "Uhm Mav kind of got in a fight with this guy, and it didn't go well and we are now running because the cops were coming and we didn't want him to get arrested again." Again? Jesus christ. What is happening?

"Is he okay?" I pause. "I can get you but how the fuck am I supposed to know where you are if you're running?" I made it to my car and threw the door open. I press the speaker on my phone and throw it in the middle console, turning my car's engine. I felt a bit panicky. I wanted to believe it was a stupid prank call but by the panic in Mason's voice, I doubted that quickly.

He started shouting at Mav and Seth. "Guys, let 's just stop- Stop here!" He sounds distant then he's back. His labored breathing mixed with the two others voices is the only in the background and hear Mavericks laughter. This guy. "Okay we stopped at uh, Lucky Palace- that Chinese food place on Cedar Avenue. You know where that is?" His breathing is finally calming a bit.

"Yes I know where that is. Are you guys being chased- what the hell-"

"No no we ran far enough, just hope the cops don't go patrolling." He sighs, sounding almost annoyed. I don't take it personally, and I assume his annoyance is directed towards Maverick for fighting.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I don't wait for him to reply. I hang up the phone and immediately race off. I had too many questions swimming in my mind. What the hell did Mason mean, saying he didn't want Maverick to get arrested again? How many times has this happened? Why did he start a fight? I obviously wouldn't know until I got them but the anticipation was killing me. They better not be too wasted to tell me everything. Thankfully I wasn't super far away from Cedar Avenue.

When I pull up I initially don't see them and I feel frozen for a moment- hoping they didn't get found by the cops. Then, I suddenly see them stagger out from the alley to my car. Mason opens the passenger door and shoves Maverick inside who's laughing like crazy. Then in the back he ushers Seth inside and gets in after him. I finally see the Maverick is bleeding profusely from a cut on his forehead- the red runs down his face. His cheek bone also has a small gash that bled- the skin surrounding a deep red that would probably bruise. He was grinning at me like a fool, like he did that first time he came home a bit fucked up when I first moved in. I quickly looked in the back at Mason and Seth who looked uninjured- Seth was grinning like crazy. Mason was smiling at me sheepishly, and he honestly looked relieved he was in the car. Then I finally smelled it; they reeked of beer and weed. "What the fuck?"

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