Chapter Five

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I woke up relatively early and lugged myself out of bed only because I really had to piss. The time on my phone read 7:05. I exit the room and didn't see Mavericks shoes at the door and saw his door was still wide open. When I passed by, he wasn't there. He didn't come home yet? I wondered if he was a guy who partied and stayed out all night. To me he seemed quiet, stayed inside kinda kinda guy. What am I even saying? I barely know the guy. And he doesn't know me.

I went to the bathroom and afterwards as I was washing my hands, I felt more alert. I boycotted the idea of going back to bed and went into the common area. I flicked the TV on and put on a show for background sound then went into the kitchen. I wasn't starving yet but getting close to it. I grabbed the pancake mix we got yesterday and took the blueberries from the fridge. I familiarized myself with where the mixing bowls and measuring cups were and began whisking it together, my eyes lingering on the TV. I wondered if he went out with his friends or went to meet up with a girl for a date. If it was a date, maybe it meant the date went well and he went back to hers? Or maybe he crashed on a friend's couch, I honestly just hoped he wasn't in some ditch somewhere, that wouldn't be ideal. Might look a bit suspicious on my part, I move in and 2 days later he's in a freak accident. I wanted his apartment to myself this whole time!

Pouring a spoonful of batter in a buttered pan, I started really feeling the hunger. I let it sit for a moment and grabbed some juice from the fridge and poured myself a cup, gulping most of it down. I flipped the pancake and repeated the process a couple more times until the batter was all gone. I placed it in the sink and filled it with water so it wouldn't dry and stick. I placed two on my plate and drizzled it with syrup and dug in. I ate on the ground in front of the TV, not wanting to accidentally spill on his nice couch. I felt like I was 8 years old again, watching cartoons before school. Minus my mom screaming in the background. When the Breaking Bad episode ends I stand up, having already watched it twice through and through by now.

When I finished I placed dishes I could in the dishwasher and washed the rest by hand. Suddenly the sound of the front door unlocked and opening grabs my attention. At first it sounded like Maverick was trying be quiet but then I heard a thump sound followed by soft "fuck". I turned around and saw his shadow against the wall, though he himself was around the corner. He was trying to take his shoes off. Successful, he tossed one onto the ground and it came into view and the other followed. He came into view and to be honest, he looked rough. Half his shirt was tucked into his shorts though it probably shouldn't have been. His usually 'messy' hair was legitimately messy, like fucked up kinda messy. One sock was falling off his foot. The bags under his eyes were deadly.

That's when I noticed his eyes. His pupils were blown open wide, I could barely see the color of his iris'. His eyes were trained on my legs, and I had to look down to see that it looked like I wasn't even wearing pants. I went to sleep in a massive t-shirt and shorts, and the shirt happened to be longer than said shorts. Glancing back up, I watched his eyes slowly trail upwards. I'm a mess. But not as messy as him right now.

"I'm like, half hungover but also still drunk." That's when I see a massive hickey on his neck and another poking out the top of his collar. He then laughs an actual genuine laugh that I haven't heard yet.

"Are you okay?" It seemed that the more I started the more stuff I found. His lip was busted open and there was dried up blood on it, but it looks like the rest was cleaned up. A silly grin graces his lips. Another first for him. I begin to wonder if he did more than just drink.

"I'm super." It sounded a little sarcastic, but I'll take it. He starts making his way into the kitchen and for a second I'm confused since he's coming towards my general direction. He stops, so close that his body is close to touching mine. My face was practically staring at his shoulder. He opens the cabinet next to my head and pulls out a pill bottle. He moves from my space and unscrews the ibuprofen bottle and dumps 2 in his hands. He goes to put them in his mouth, was this guy going to dry swallow them? I reached for my glass that contained a second helping of orange juice that was half empty and handed it to him. He takes it without question and down the pills. This was such a surreal experience, I almost wondered if I was dreaming.

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