Chapter Six

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After Friday it seemed that Maverick had done a 180° from his quiet broody few weeks. For now. I wasn't sure how long it would last though. Instead of stalking off to his room or going out drinking after I came home, he told me he was making supper tonight, as opposed to me who's done it a majority of the time this last little while. I didn't mind doing it at all, old habits die hard as they say, but it was nice just sitting watching TV, trying to clear my clouded mind while he was whipping up whatever in the kitchen. My continuation of my now third watch through of breaking bad has eased my mind. I saw from the corner of his eye he was sneaking glances at the TV and myself. I didn't question him.

Saturday as well, when I got out of bed just before noon I saw he was about to start blending up a smoothie. Without even asking me, he was shoving a big glass full when I exited the bathroom moments later. It was a nice pick me up, the freshness was a nice first thing waking up. He didn't pry about why I came home a little off yesterday but I could see concern laced in his features whenever he looked at me. It wasn't something I was used to from him. He didn't go out drinking that night either. I had been sitting on the couch after supper that he made again for the record. I was aimlessly scrolling on Netflix and he surprised me by taking a seat on the opposite end. I asked if he wanted to watch something and he said sure. We chose to watch some action movie, The Town. We shared the occasional comment here and there, or laughed when shit went wrong. And when two characters were fucking on screen I just laughed nervously and jokingly said 'ew gross' under my breath. He let out a very short breathy laugh, which made me feel kinda accomplished.

But now it was Sunday and Maverick was sprawled on the couch watching some show. It was around 1:00pm, and I was losing my mind in my bedroom. I paced from my closet to my dresser, grabbing articles of clothing and laying them out together on my bed wondering if they even looked decent together. Everything in the back of my mind was screaming that it was all fucking wrong. I was a mess. What are you thinking? That's so ugly. And so on. I hope he couldn't hear me walking around and muttering or groaning under my breath.

I exit my room and dart to the kitchen, and get myself a tall glass of water. I felt refreshed as I left my room, feeling like I was able to breathe. When I turned to face Maverick his eyes were squinting as he looked in my room, which was directly across from where he was sitting on the couch. It looked like a warzone inside there. His eyes slowly trail to me, giving me a 'what the hell' kinda look. I sigh and lean against the counter.

I had mentioned very briefly Friday evening that I had to go to my mothers for supper Sunday afternoon. I didn't give any more than that and he just nodded, taking in the information. He seemed to want to pry less than I did. I understood. "I'm stressing about what to wear to the dinner thing."

His expression kinda changed now to a different kind of confusion. "Well, are your family members snobby pricks?" He asks, sounding genuinely confused.

I let out a short laugh. "No, it's just my mom..." I trailed off, keeping in mind to not say anything abnormal or overbearing. "She's just...." I can't find a word that is too lenient to describe properly describe her. Everything harsh came to mind. She's a bitch, she's hateful, she's incredibly rude, she demeans the shit out of me every chance she can. "Particular."

"Well, if it's not some fancy thing, then just wear whatever you usually do." He shrugs as if it isn't a big deal. He doesn't know, I don't blame him. I'm being way too vague and I know it. I was tip-toeing around the truth.

"Well like.. you know how for your brunch thing you wore something a bit nicer than regular clothes, but nothing too much? It's probably going to be like that." I say, trying to keep my tone light. When I mentioned the brunch I saw his expression change for a quick second then watched it return back to normal. The mention of it still pissed him off after this long? Hm. I don't blame him. "It's like dressing a bit nice for a holiday. I don't know if that makes sense."

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