The Fischbach Family Reunion

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Chapter 10
When our plane had landed, and we had retrieved our luggage, we met Marks older brother Tom outside in the pick up passengers area. Mark had spotted him first, and instantly went in for a brotherly hug. When they let go Mark stood back and introduced me.
"Tom, this is my girlfriend. Laurel Burns." He stated with a giant smile.
I gently shook Toms hand.
"It's nice to meet you." I said smiling slightly, since I was becoming shy.
"It's lovely to meet you as well. I can never get this idiot to shut up about you." Tom said as he joked about Mark. I let out a small laugh and looked at Mark.
"I hope it's all good." I said. Tom nodded then helped Mark and I with our luggage.
"You can hop in the car babe." Mark said as he went to help his brother. I nodded as I picked up Tucker's crate and placed it in the back seat next to me. I heard Tom close the trunk to his car and waited for both of the Fischbach Brothers to get in the car. Mark sat in the front passenger seat, while Tom sat in the driver seat. The 2 hour long drive to Momiplier's house went by rather quickly. I sat nervously in the back seat of the car, with my legs bouncing up and down. We soon pulled up the drive way and began to unpack the car. While Mark got the bags out of the car, I let Tucker out to pee. When he had finished, 4 dogs came barreling out of the house. I was really scared at the moment, so I scooped Tucker up in my arms and froze in place. I held my breath and waited for the dogs to leave me alone. The dogs had other ideas. They became hyper and tried to jump up to sniff Tucker. Mark chuckled from behind me, as the dogs ran around both of us. Mark hugged the giant white dog, and continued to rub her body.
"Hi Lucy! How's my baby girl doin' ?" He asked in a silly voice. Next, Mark hugged a older golden retriever.
"BUDDI!" He yelled as he continued to hug and rub him.
The two smaller dogs were soon wrapped up in Marks muscular arms.
"Hi Maggie,"he said as he nuzzled his face in her neck. He then mumbled the other dogs name into its neck. Id have to ask what that ones name was later. Lucy and Buddi came back to Tucker and I.
"Lucy. Buddi. You're scaring her." Tom said as he tried to corral the 2 crazy beasts. I laughed a bit as I saw Tom chase Lucy around the front lawn. I heard laughter from the porch, and my eyes immediately snapped up to see who was laughing. My gazed landed gently on a middle aged woman. She looked to be full Korean, or at least 80% Korean. She had on a grey sweater, and skinny-ish jeans. She looked like she wasn't a day over 35 (but that couldn't be possible since Mark is 23) Her long black hair was down, and her skin was glowing. She looked gorgeous.
"Lucy! Buddi!" She called out. Tom got all the dogs inside the house, while Mark came to check on me. Mark wrapped an arm around me in a side hug.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry they scared you. They're just big goof balls, I promise." He said chuckling and rubbing my my shoulder.
"I'm good now. They just frightened me for a moment." I said as I looked up into Marks brown eyes. Mark smiled at me, then led me inside the house. I set Tucker down the the entry way, and I watched for a moment as he and the other dogs got acquainted. They seemed to get along just fine. Mark gently grabbed my hand and began to run circles on the back of it.
"I suppose I should warn you. " Mark started. I looked at him with curious and frightful eyes.
"My mom is a terrible cook." He said with a straight face. I gasped and hit his arm.
"Mark Fischbach ! Take that back! " I scolded.
"HIS MIDDLE NAME IS EDWARD!" Tom yelled form upstairs. I smirked a bit.
"Mark Edward Fischbach your mother is probably the best cook in the world." I stated. Mark couldn't keep a straight face, he slowly cracked a giant smile.
"Oh she is." Said a female voice. Marks mother came around a corner with a dish towel in her hands. She was drying her hands before she extended one for me to shake. I took it in mine with a gentle squeeze.
"I'm Mi-Ku. It's very nice to meet you." She said smiling and pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm Laurel Burns." I introduced myself after being released from the hug.
"I've got dinner on the stove, and the dining room set up. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over at 6pm sharp. I'll let you two get settled in upstairs." She said as she smiled brightly at us.
"Do you need any help with cooking?" Mark asked.
"No, no. I'm good. Everything's almost done. Go relax! Flying is always stressful." She said as she practically pushed us up the stairs.
Mark let out a chuckled, and led me to his old room, which was now used as a guest room. The walls were a pale yellow-beige color, with black foam padding all over the walls. A queen sized bed was pushed agains a wall, a dark wooden vanity dresser was pushed on the opposite wall, and a desk was pushed into the corner or the room.
"It's not much." Mark admitted after a few seconds of silence.
"It's great." I said smiling.
"Would you care for a tour of the rest of the house?" Mark asked trying to be a proper gentleman.
"I'd love to." I said with an even wider smile.
We continued with the upstairs. We visited the other guest bedroom, being used by Tom at the moment, we went to the study and the bathroom. We avoided the master bedroom, and eventually made our way downstairs. We toured the living room, the dining room, garage and kitchen. Mark led me, and the 5 dogs that were in the home, out to the back yard. Mi-Ku had a lovely home and a gorgeous backyard. The dogs played tag with each other, while Mark and I looked at the gorgeous view we had. I heard the doorbell ring, and the dogs began to flip out. They must have been excited that company was here.
"That must be my grandparents." Mark said smiling a bit.
"Grandparents in my Dads side. Moms parents live in South Korea, we don't see them as often as we should." Mark explained as we walked back inside the house. Once we walked through the door things were in full swing. Everyone was in the dining room and kitchen, grabbing played and food, and dodging dogs - trying not to trip over cuddly balls of fur. I stood back and watched as they mingled and chatted. Marks grandfather was the first to notice me.
"Oh! You must be the girl Mark speaks of!" He said as he made his way over to me.
"Yes. I'm Laurel Burns." I said as I shook his hand.
"I'm Edward, and my wife Ada is mingling with Mi-Ku." He said smiling at his family.
"Come get some food. We can't have any hungry guests in this home." He said as he led me to the kitchen to get food. While in the kitchen I met Ada. She was a lovely woman. She loved to crack jokes like her husband. Once we had food on our plates, Edward blessed the meal and everyone prayed. I sat in silence out of respect for their beliefs. When everyone was done, we dug in. Dinner was filled with laughs, questions and shared memories. While Edward was on a rant of old memory he had , I noticed that Marks father wasn't present at the table. There weren't any pictures of him in the house either. I mean I knew Mi-Ku was divorced, but that didn't stop my mind from wondering where Mr. Fischbach was. I gently shrugged it off, and pushed that thought out of my mind. Once dinner was done, Mark and I did the dishes while everyone continued to chat. Soon Edward,Ada, and Tom had to leave. They all seemed to be very happy to have met me. We bid them a safe trip and a wonderful night before turning in ourselves. I took a quick shower, and dressed in comfy pajamas. I slid on a thin t shirt, and a pair of booty shorts. I may have been trying to tease Mark... But he'll never know. As I was drying my hair with my towel, Mark walked into the bedroom in his pajamas. He was in his boxers with a batman t shirt on. Mark climbed in bed after plugging his phone in. I set the damp towel over the chair by the desk and climbed in next to him. The thoughts I had about his father crept back into my mind. I took a shallow breath before asking him what was on my mind.
"Mark?" I asked quietly.
"Yes Princess?" He answered.
"Can I ask you about someone?" I asked hesitantly. Mark nodded.
"Why wasn't your - your father at dinner tonight?" I asked carefully - just in case I was treading on dangerous ground. Mark was quiet for several minutes. It was obvious that I had asked a painful question.
"He - he passed away a few years ago." He said sadly.
My heart hurt for Mark. I knew what it was like to lose a parent.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - " I started to say but Mark cut me off.
"No. No need. It's alright." He said drawing in a breath.
"He died of some advanced-staged cancer. His last words to me were :" I love you, so much." " Mark said as his eyes misted over.
"Mark," I said sadly. I scooted closer to Mark and hugged him.
" I know how you feel. I went through the same thing in high school. My -my mom." I said as a lump in my throat grew. I swallowed it and continued.
"She died of some rare cancer, she died at home...alone... I found her after returning home from school." I said as a few tears fell from my cheeks.
We were silent for a few minutes before either of us decided to speak again.
"I'm sorry I asked about him." I said as I kissed his cheek softly.
"He'd like you, ya know? He'd really like your sense of humor." He said chuckling. I smiled a bit.
"He would always joke around and pull pranks on my mom." He laughed a bit more. My smile grew wider.
"He sounds a lot like you." I said giggling a bit.
Mark smiled at me, but I could see in his eyes that he was still sad. I gave him a sad yet genuine smile.
"I love you." Mark whispered
" I love you too." I said back. Mark and I snuggled under the duvet. I fell asleep with Marks arms around my waist, and sad thoughts of my mom swirling in my head.

Hey how was it? Did you enjoy the fluff? Sorry it got a bit sad at the end. More cute and fluffy parts will be up soon. I do realize that Mi-Ku, Edward, and Ada aren't their real names, but alas I don't know their actual names so we must stick with these made up names.

Oh also Mi-Ku is pronounced me - koo kinda like me too but with a ku sound so yeah

What do you want to happen? I'm open to all ideas :)

Heart you - Key <3

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