Horror Queen

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After the panel Hannah and I did a meet and greet with most of the fans. Everyone was so nice. After the meet n' greet, we decided to walk around and enjoy RTX. Soon I found my Dad, Burnie Burns, and Mark talking. Hannah and I walked closer. My dad noticed us walking up and pulled me into a side hug.

"Hey pumpkin!" Burnie said.

"Hey Dad!" I chirped.

"Hello ladies. " Mark smiled.

"I see you know Mark." Burnie laughed.

"Oh you have no idea." Wade laughed was he walked up to us. Burnie raised a eyebrow at me and mark.

"You had a very interesting panel." Mark commented.

"Oh yes! Are you alright?" Burnie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine Dad,"

"Did you know the guy?" Burnie asked.

"Nah, he just started harassing me yesterday. Luckily Mark was there to help me out." I said.

"I'm just glad I was in the right place when I needed to be." Mark smiled at me.

"I'm glad he's banned." Hannah said simply.

Wade, and Burnie nodded in agreement.

"Well things are simmering down. Why don't you kids go get lunch?" Burnie said.

" Sounds awesome." Hannah said.

I gave my dad a hug, and told him I'd bring him a sandwich. We walked towards the front door of the convention hall. Wade, and Hannah went to get their spouses, and Mark and I waited for their return.

While waiting we played 20 questions.

" What's your favorite... color?" I asked stupidly.

At first Mark laughed.

"Out of all the questions in the world that's the one you ask me about?" he questions. I gave a nervous laugh.

" Green is mine. What's yours?" he smiled.

"It's a tie actually. Pink and green." I admitted.

"Oh well. I'll have to turn you to the dark side Red. Pink won't do." Mark said his Darkiplier voice.

After 5 minutes of 20 questions, Wade and Hannah came back. We soon packed into 2 cars. Wade, Molly, Hannah and Ryan in Wades car; while Mark and I were in mine.

I mentally stabbed Hannah, who was smirking at me as if she were telling me to get some.

We decided to go over to the Stage 5 building. We had a quick lunch, which consisted of ham sandwiches and chips.

After we finished lunch Mark challenged me to 2 rounds of Slender.

I raced to my computer and booted everything up.

4 rounds later Mark was handing me a $20 bill.

I looked up at him. " I never lose." I stated.

" Here. If you beat 20/20/20 in Five Nights again then I'll give you the $20 back, and I'll buy you dinner." I said standing up from my desk.

"And if I don't win?" He asked.

" if you lose you buy me dinner, and I keep the $20." I said.

Mark sat down reluctantly.

I smiled. This was going to be good.

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