The Girlfriend Panel

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Chapter 6 - The Girlfriend Panel

 After 1/2 hour of watching Mark fail horribly at FNAF, he called it. He calmed himself down, and shut everything down. 

'' Ready for dinner?" he asked

"I was just kidding about dinner." I giggled.

"Oh I know - I just need an excuse to take you on a date." he said, wiggling his eyebrows.  I laughed at his goofy face. 

"Lets go Markipoodle." I laughed. 

We walked out of Stage 5 and hoped in my car. We drove to a locally owned italian resturant. For the next half hour Mark and I had a mini food fight, which caused Aletta , the elderly woman who owned the resturant, to close early. After we made our mess, Aletta made us stay and clean it up. We didnt mind. It was actually a cute bonding experience. Once we had cleaned up our mess, Mark and I decided to go back to the convention center. 

When we got back Wade was having a panic attack, and Molly was trying to calm him down.

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked her.

"He's worried cause Mark's not here." she said not turning around.

'' Wade buddy. Im here." Mark said as he walked in front of Wade.

"Oh Thank God! I thought I was going to have do our panel by myself!" he exclaimed

I giggled and shook my head at Wade. He seemed to worry over anything and everything. Wade and Molly went to get sitiuated on the panel platform while Mark stayed behind with me. I wasnt on the list of guests so I couldnt be on stage wtih them. Mark was very upset about that. 

"Hey I'll be right back here waiting for you." I smiled and I touched his cheek. 

"Its not right. You should be up there with me." he pouted.

"Mark to be fair - you didnt know me 7 months ago when this was planned." i stated.

"MARK! ITS TIME!" yelled Wade. 

"You better be ready when I call for you." Mark said as he planted a kiss on my cheek and ran on stage. 

"Call me for what?!" I called after him. He didnt answer my question. 

For the next 45 minutes Mark and Wade had the strangest panel of all time. At least 8 girls gave him Girlfriend Applications. Each time I grew more and more jealous of them. After the last girl handed him her application Mark stood up and began to pace on the stage. He seemed nervous about something. 

"Ladies, listen. I'm very flattered, b-but I've got a giant announcement." he said as he looked at me. He waved at me for him to join him on stage. I nervously walked on stage and went to stand by him. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered so only he could hear. 

"I'd like to introduce my girlfriend, Laurel Burns from Rooster Teeth. I hope you'll give her a warm welcome. She means the world to me. I'll always be there for her, just like I'm always there for you guys." he said into his microphone. 

Then he did the unexpected. He drapped me over as if we had just finished an elaborate dance, and kissed me passionatly. The crowd before us erupted in cheers and awes. this was the best RTX that I'd ever been to. 


Sorry its short - Ive got writters block... Thanks to LilMadFree for thinking of the plot for this chapter. Another one should be up in a while. xoxox 

Key <3

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