Sparks Ignite

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Shortly after Marks plane landed Ashley, My dad's girlfriend, shot me a text.

Ash: hey! Party starts in 52 minutes!
Me: I'm just picking up Mark. We'll be there soon.
Ash: see you then !

Mark walked out of the terminal with his bags in tow. He spotted me leaning against the trunk of my car. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Hey butt stabber." I said as I got to hug him.
"Hello baby." he said into my ear.

I shuddered as his breath tickled my neck. I helped Mark shove his crap in the trunk of car. We clambered into the car and drove to Burnie's house.
45 minutes later, we arrived. A few people had arrived, but not enough to consider us late. We made our way to front door, and as we stepped onto the porch, CJ , Burnie's son/ my step brother, opened the door and ran to hug me.

"LAUREL!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as he engulfed me in a bear hug.

"Hey CJ! How's my favorite pokemon trainer?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I caught a mudkip!" he said as his eyes sparkled. I released him from his bear hug and looked down at him.

"Well you have to show me! I wont believe you until I've seen this little Mudkip." I said with a playful tone.

CJ turned from me and sprinted inside the house. Mark and I walked inside the house and the smell of barbeque waffed to my nose.

"Mmmm..." I moaned. Mark chuckled at my noise.

" You wont be laughing when you eat my Dad's steaks. You are going to beg me to teach you the recipies." I said as I playfully glared at him. Mark yet again chuckled at me.

We walked into the kitchen. Ashley was busy making mashed potatoes, while Burnie was salting his steaks to go out to be cooked on the grill. Uncle Geoff was walking in the back door with a plate of already grilled food. CJ, Ty, and Miley were all on the couch doing their own thing. CJ was playing on his DS, Ty was watching Batman, and Miley was drawing. Aunt Griffon was setting the tables outside, and Arrow, Geoff's dog, was laying by CJ. As soon as Mark saw Arrow he turned into a child. He began to play with Arrow he would hug her, then get her worked up, then attack her with pets. Pretty soon all the kids and Mark were outside playing tag. I had helped Griffon set the tables, and I soon stopped to watch them play. Mark was it and pretty soon he had forced me to enter the game. It was either run for your God damn life or be tickled until you pee. I tried for the run option but Mark beat me to it. For the next hour Mark and I played tag and other various games with the kids. It was probably the most fun that I've had in awhile. Soon it began to get dark, so we bid everyone a good night and went home. As I pulled up to my apartment complex the mood in the car changed. It went from playful fun to wild fun. (if you get what I mean)
When we got into my apartment Mark spun me around and began to make out with me. I moaned and tried to unzip his hoodie. I managed to get it off, and I dragged Mark to my couch. I fell over the arm and onto the seats. Mark leaned over top of me.
His hand ran down my sides, and towards my waist band. Mark lifted my shirt a bit and caressed my soft pale skin. I moaned into his mouth. Mark moved his hips, and I could feel his hard on through his -now even tighter - jeans.
We pulled away to fill our oxygen deprived lungs.
I looked up at Mark and bit my lip. I moved my hands to his T shirt and gripped the edges. I pulled up his torso and over his head. I ran my eyes over his body. I moaned quietly, which turned Mark on even more.
"Fuck, princess..." Mark breathed.
I pulled at his jeans, only teasing him more.
"Shit..." He breathed. I smirked a little at his discomfort.
"Playing games are we? " he asked in a dark tone.
Mark kissed me again and ran his hands down my torso and he hooked his fingers into my jeans and panties, pulling them both down. He pushed my legs apart and his hand went to my needy core. He rubbed my clit, and I writhed beneath his touch. He pulled his hand away to take his own pants off, which I helped him with. I grabbed his hard on and started to pump my hand up and down. He grunted, moving my hand away and lining himself up at my entrance. "Ready babe?" he breathed. I moaned in response. He pushed in, his face contorting in pleasure. He started thrusting in and out, gradually going faster. We were both moaning messes, breathing profanities into the air. He reached down to rub my clit, circling his finger. "Mark, I'm gonna-"
"Me too."
"Mark!" I moaned out as I climaxed.
"Oh God, Laurel!"
We rode out our highs together and he pulled out, collapsing next to me, panting. We stayed panting on the couch for a while. After catching our breath we moved up my loft and continued.

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