Cute Messages

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* that's not me in the photograph - it was taken off we heart it to show what bra I am talking about at the end of the chapter *

Chapter 7

Cute messages

it had been a month since Mark had made our relationship public... and truth be told I was a little uneasy about the fans knowing we were together. I was afraid I would go to some convention with Mark - then get stabbed by Markimash fans or something like that. Most of the fans were really excepting of us... some others (like the girls who sent in girlfriend applications) weren't so happy. In the month at we had been dating - we only got to spend 2 weeks together. Our long distance relationship was working out for the time being... but I still miss Mark, him being in Cincinnati and me being in Austin was a little challenging but every second with him made up for the time being alone. Tomorrow mark would be flying out to Austin to visit for the holidays. Burnie was hosting this big office party at his house, and everyone was invited. The 4th of July was Burnie's second favorite holiday... apart from Christmas. Let's just say that I was excited to see my baby.

I sat in my apartment with Tucker in my lap. He was getting older and older as each day went by. I dont know what I'm going to do when he's gone. I got up from my couch, set Tucker on the seat next to me then went over to my desk. I sat down and fired up YouTube. I clicked on one of the newest videos that Mark uploaded. it was one of those Impossilbe Quiz lets plays. For the next 22minutes I watched my adorable boyfriend fail miserably at the game. As soon as the video was over, i heard my phone buzz from the couch. I got up and retrieved it from under Tucker's little body.
Mark had texted me.
Markiplier: hey baby xoxo
Laurelicious: hi lover boy
Mark: what? No love for me?
Laurelicious: no... Jk xoxox 1000x
Markiplier: babe close your eyes. ❤️
Laurelicious: ok...
Markiplier: what do u see?
Laurelicious: nothing.
Markiplier: that's what my world looks like with out you.
Laurelicious: Awe I don't deserve you cutie
Markiplier: yes you do my princess
Laurelicious: you deserve a Victoria secrets model with a big heart and great butt.
Markiplier:you're my model with a heart that I've stolen... I'll get the booty later.
Laurelicious: haha suuuuure ;)
Markiplier: r u busy baby?
Laurelicious: nah y?
Markiplier: wanna play a game ?
Laurelicious: sure!
Markiplier: let's fire up prop hunt
Laurelicious: you're on Markiloser
Laurelicious: xoxo love you Markipoodle.

For the next 2 hours Mark and I played prop hunt as well as minecraft. It was wicked awesome.

"Hey Laurell?" Mark asked with a soft tone.
"Yes?" I answered
" You know I love you right?" He asked as if I didn't believe him.
"Yes, I know you're constantly reminding me." I laughed light heartedly.
"I just want you to know how much you mean to me." He said.
"Mark is everything ok?" I asked becoming slightly concerned.
"No, I just don't want my fangirls to get to your head that's all baby. I wanna make sure my girl is going to be mine." He said with a deep chuckle.
"Mark Fischbach. You know I only have my eyes on you. Now quit your worrying and place the damn torch before I get stabbed in the booty by a damn zombie." I said with a smile.

Mark placed the torch, then wandered off deeper into the cave that we were in. For another 45 minutes Mark and I goofed around until my dad texted me.
Burnie: hey I need your help at the office.
Laurell: I'll be there in 20

"Yo Markipoodle! I gotta go my daddy needs me." I said as I organized my desk.
"AWE! Alright baby. I'll text you later ok?" He asked.
"Alrighty. You may be in for a surprise when you get to Austin." I said hinting to him he might get lucky.
"Don't tease me woman." He chuckled darkly.
I bit my lip and sighed.
"See ya lover boy."
"Same to you Red."
I disconnected from Minecraft and went to help my dad.

At 8pm I came back.
I fed Tucker then went to take a shower. While I was taking off my shirt Mark texted me.

Mark: hi baby
Laurell: heyy
Mark: what r u doing
Laurell: getting ready for bed.
Mark: but it's 8pm!
Laurell: true I'll watch a movie or something.
Mark: or something ;)
Laurell: here.

I sent him that text then took a picture of me in my bra and running shorts

Mark: damn.
Laurell: like what you see?
Mark; god I wish I was there
Laurell: you'll be here in less than 24 hours. Contain your sexual impulses til then goofball
Mark: you are going to regret sending that.
Laurell: what sending one of these ?
I asked as I sent another picture of me in my bra and shorts.

Mark: mmmm
Laurell: I'm going to shower now.
Mark didn't respond. After my shower Mark skyped me and we watched Lord of the rings together on Netflix.
It was cute. At 10 Tucker and I called it a night. I told Mark goodnight, but only after giving him a sneak peak of the bra that I was wearing tomorrow.
It made him blush a deep shade of red.
I hung up on him and climbed into bed with Tucker.

I sent Mark a final text goodnight.

Laurell: Hope you have pleasant dreams tonight. Xoxo night

I set my phone down and fell asleep with Tucker curled up next to me. That was one of the most blissful nights of sleep that I had ever gotten.

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