Come Away With Me

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Chapter 9
(Video explains how Laurels apartment looks :) )
Mark had stayed in town for a few days after the 4th of July. But today he was packing to go home. Mark and I sat cuddled the couch, watching Jacksepticeye play the impossible quiz.
"God I'd love to meet him." I said as I snuggled closer to Mark.
"What am I not good enough?" Mark asked with a chuckle.
"Hey! Sean makes me laugh just as you do! I like Sean, but I love you." I said giggling.
"We could co op with him sometime." Mark suggested. My eyes brightened at the idea of meeting or at least talking to Sean.
"That would be amazing!" I said with a giant smile.
Mark pulled out his phone and typed away.
"Who are you texting? You're girlfriend?" I teased.
" Yes. My sweet little Jackie. She's soooo hot! With her big blue eyeballs and luscious brown locks. She's a keeper. " Mark sassed.
"Har dee har har." I laughed as I ruffled his hair.
"Why are you texting Jack?" I asked.
"Just wanna ask when he's free." Mark said not looking up from his phone. We sat on the couch for awhile watching Jack, and a few Pewdiepie videos. After lunch Mark began to pack. It was a bitter sweet thing. He was glad he was going home, and sad that he was leaving me. I was just sad that he was leaving, but happy that I'd see him in 3 weeks at a convention.
"Baby? Are you doing anything important in the next month?" Mark asked while folding clothes.
I looked at my phones calendar and looked for any major events that were coming up.
"No. What's up your sleeve?" I asked while looking up at Mark.
"Well I do have this spare ticket back to Cincinnati. I'd hate to go home alone." Mark said with puppy dog eyes.
A sly smile appeared on my face.
"You planned this didn't you Fischbach." I said as I got off my office chair and walked over to Mark, who was still packing on the couch.
He held out a ticket between his fingers.
"How long will I be staying?" I asked as I placed a hand on his chest and leaned forwards on my feet.
"Oh I don't know. As long as you like." breathed Mark.
I looked up at Mark and kissed his jaw.
"I guess I have to get packing." I said as I kissed him lips. As I tried to pull away and begin packing, Marks hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into his chest. I giggled a little at how cute and silly Mark was being. I felt Mark move, and soon I was on top of him on the couch. I began to laugh, since Mark had decided to tickle me. While I was giggling and trying to get out of Marks grasp, Tucker began to bark at us. It was a playful bark. For a moment Mark stopped tickling me, he moved me off of himself and he sank to the floor. He got low and in front of Tucker. He beat the floor and started to rile Tucker up. Each time Tucker would bark, Mark would do the same thing yet in a mocking manner. I shifted in my seat and smiled at how goofy my boys were being. While Mark was busy procrastinating with Tucker, I began to pack. I managed to fit everything into 1 suit case. Even my cosplay outfits ( which I was surprised that they fit )
Once I had my crap packed, I waited for Mark to be done packing. When he finished I got Tucker into his carrier, and soon we were off.

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