The Panel

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Chapter 4 the panel

Tucker was the first one up that morning. I didn't wanna get up but Tucker wouldn't let me go back to sleep. I got up, climbed down the ladder, and let Tucker out to pee. A few moments later Tucker barked to get back in. Once he was back inside I went around, getting ready. I figured that Id wear a Horror Corner shirt, some black shorts and some skate shoes. I showered and dressed myself. I walked out of my bathroom into the kitchen and began making breakfast. Which consisted of toast and bacon. At 7:35am I was ready to face the day. My hair was straightened, my makeup was normal, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my phone my bag, and debated whether to take Tucker or not. I decided against it. I had my panel today and I wouldn't be able to keep track of him. I kissed his head and told him to be a good boy. I left him a few treats to occupy him while I was away. I made my way to Hannah's house in 30 minutes. While driving my mind was occupied by my nerves.

GOD I WAS SO NERVOUS! MARK IS GONNA BE AT MY PANEL!! Keep in mind this was my first panel, and I've never been good at new things. I pulled into Hannah's driveway and waited for her come outside. Hannah got inside my car a few minutes later and smiled.

"Let's go!" She said.

"God I'm so nervous." I laughed.

"Don't be. Markipoodle will be there to comfort you!" Hannah giggled.

I laughed at her. Markipoodle.

While driving to RTX, I told Hannah all about Prop Hunt last night. When we got to the convention center, I saw Mark greeting some of his fans. I smiled. He seemed to really care about them. I waved and he smiled in return.

Hannah and I walked inside, and over to the AH guys. We helped the guys set up their merch, then Michael and Ray helped us set up some of my Horror Corner merch.

Horror Corner was my little segment on Rooster

I have my own little show where I get scream, cry and rage at horror games. Most of the time it's like when Michael and Gavin do a rage quit video, except it's me and Hannah. I've played almost every horror game out there. From slender to outlast to mad father.

For 3 hours we we signed and met fans. At 11:50 Barb came and found us. We had 10 minutes to get ready for my panel. When we walked in the side door, I saw at least 300 people. I became over whelmed.

Holy shit that's a lot of people. Barbara walked us back stage and got us microphones.

" if you don't have something to talk about, then go to the tweet deck. There's a iPad on the table so you can look at it, and there's a large screen so others can see it as well." Barbara informed me.

As soon as she finished speaking, we were thrown on stage. Everyone erupted in cheers. I blushed, I'd never been so nervous in my life. Once every quieted down, I whispered into my mic.

"this is scarier than 5 five nights at Freddy's."

Everyone laughed. Hannah slapped my back and sat down.

"Hey everyone! I'm Key and this is Hannah, were from Horror Corner.... If your not here to see us then your in the wrong place...." I laughed.

"If you don't know what Horror Corner is then let me tell you a fast take cause we have a short amount of time." I said looking at all the faces in the crowd.

"Horror corner is where I play horror games with my best friend Hannah. We scream, we cry and we panic." I said.

"At the disco." Hannah whispered into her mic.

Everyone laughed Again.

" I'm not sure how panels are supposed to go... So if I do it wrong you can blame it on the video games." I laughed to myself.

" we're just gonna do questions, so if you have one, go line up, in a orderly fashion at the microphones." Hannah said pointing. People flew to the stands. It was amazing to answer their questions. Most questions ranged from what's next, to what's the scariest game you've played .

I was enjoying myself, until one fan got to the stand.

It was ninja freak.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled away from the mic, and only Hannah heard.

"Hey baby," ninja boy said.

"Hello!" Hannah chirped.

I nudged her foot and I glared at her. Hannah soon caught on.

"Do you have a ---" Hannah started.

" RIKKU! MY LOVE PLEASE! LET ME TAKE YOU. AWAY FROM ALL THESE AWFUL THINGS." He said loudly as he looked at people in disgust.

"Listen, buddy. Im not Rikku, it's a Cosplay... She's not real." I said in a sassy tone.

" Rikku. Don't make me hurt you." He warned.

"Is that a threat?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow. I pulled the microphone away and mumbled to Hannah to get security.

Hannah quickly got up and walked off stage and out the doors.

"Come here. Rikku. Come here now." He demanded.

"I'm not a dog." I huffed.

"RIKKU COME HERE NOW!" He screamed in rage.

As soon as he finished his tantrum, security got him and brought him to the police.

Ninja dude was banned from RTX for good.

"So... Sorry about that.... Umm... Next question?" I said innocently.

A little girl about 5 or 6 came up to microphone with her dad.

"Hello!" Hannah said sweetly

"Hi." The girl said sweetly.

"Do you have a question for us?" I asked.

She nodded and her father whispered to her.

"Ok Andrea, ask them your question." The dad said.

"Umm... Who's flannel boy?" She asked nervously.

I busted out laughing. I had to hide my face.

"Flannel boy... He's one of a kind...  But there's no flannel boy." I smiled.

The little girl smiled and the they walked away.

Just then twitter exploded. All thanks to Mark.

Markiplier: @laurelicious #horrorcorner hey! You love my flannel!

Laurelicious: @markiplier don't fuel fangirls! But yes.

As soon as I sent out that tweet fangirls screamed everywhere.

"Oh god." Hannah said into the microphone. The line of questions got longer, mostly filled with fangirls asking about Mark and I.

After getting through many questions, I had to wrap up with a video. My horror compilation.

"Guys, to end such a great panel, here's my horror compilation. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for coming to my first panel, hopefully I'll have another one. Your fangtastic !" I smiled as I waved to them.

The video began to play, and everyone grew quiet. The video lasted 6 minutes, but that was only the highlights video. I was proud that people liked the weird shit that I did. I was so happy.

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