Chapter Twenty-Six

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I awoken and looked around. After I had told Elliot what happened, he just told me that everything would be okay, and just like that he left my room. I sat up and brushed my teeth, I knew lovely would be coming soon. So I got on my balcony and looked at the sunrise.

I felt the tears come, I wiped them and glared at the sky. "We will not show weakness this time." Hazeline said with anger in her voice. I knew she was trying to toughen me up, and protect me, but right then I just needed her comfort.

She sighed when I didn't respond and tried again. "Look Park, I know your hurt for the fact that they didn't see you trying, but I saw it, and Elliot had to see it, he knows us better then we know ourselves, the only thing we can do right now is stay calm and collected like a-"

"Princess." Lovely said. I didn't bother to correct her as I stood and went to the bathroom. The same routine was done and when I saw what I had to wear I took a step back an shook my head. "No, I'm not wearing that." Lovely sighed and looked at me. "I hate to say this but you have no choice." The dress was long and creme colored, it was lace and was off-shoulders.

My long hair went into my eyes as I looked at the heels I had to wear. "I guess this is to show me who I am." I whispered and out the dress on. I put the creme colored heels on and looked in the mirror as Lovely fixed my hair, putting it in the right places.

"You look beautiful Park." She whispers. I gave her a small smile. "Well then it's a shame to say that I will soon have no one to say the same thing to me when I grow old." I moved away from the mirror and walked to the doors, I opened them and saw Nixon and Adam.

"You look gorgeous Park." I thanked Nixon and took Adam and Nixon's hand and let them guide me to the stairs. When we reached them, I let go of both of them and walked down the steps, I saw the pack, all gathered around the door to the dining room, suddenly look at me.

The doors to the castle opened and when I saw who was standing there, I slowed my steps, but didn't stop. It was Nixon's father. And it wasn't until I reached the floor that I realized the pack was still looking at me. It was the crown, had to be.

"Princess." I curtsied and took his arm. As we walked towards the door, I felt Wyatt and the others gaze in me. But I just held my head up high. The guards at the door opened them and I stopped walking. I looked at the guard on my right and smiled. "Thank you." I looked to my left. "Both of you."

We continued inside and I noticed they put more tables in the dining room. "It was big enough." Hazeline said. I took my seat in front of my mother and father. They gave me small smile, but I did not return it. I looked down at my food. I wasn't hungry. In fact, my fear took all my hunger away. I looked around and tried to find Isaac, and when I did, he looked at me. I gave him a smile, but he just looked away.

I sighed and looked back down to my food. "Hon, you need to eat, you have a busy day today." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, because we all know loosening your mate is really worth the appetite." I knew everyone heard me, we were werewolves, hearing was one of our strengths.

But when my father gave me the serious look, I sighed and picked up my fork, and when I was about to put the eggs in my mouth, a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

My wolf stirred. "Don't eat that." Nixon said in a low voice. "It's poisonous." I dropped my fork. My father looked over to the pack that was still eating in peace and glared. "One of them got in the kitchen." He said in a low voice. I stood abruptly, my chair hitting the floor made the room look over to me and grow quiet.

"Excuse me mom and dad, but I have to do something." I took Nixon's hand and Adam followed after me as I walked out of the room. Lovely was suddenly right there when the door closed behind us. "This is ridiculous, I am not going to be poisoned in my own home." Hazeline said with anger. I looked at the three. "Follow me." I said in a low voice. I walked up the opposite staircase and held my dress.

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