16 - Apprehension

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I was sitting on the couch with the computer up on a video chat and I sighed.

"I was hoping I could just talk to you alone." I said to the therapist.

"Why not with Chris?" She asked.

"Well, something happened and he isn't really talking to me right now. He has locked himself in the bedroom and won't come out. I just want to talk about what happened today." I said and she sighed.

"Paloma, for marriage counseling to work it has to be both of you and for you to call an emergency meeting, I really need it to be both of you." The therapist said and I sighed.

"Give me a minute." I said and got up. I walked down the hall to the bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. "Chris...?" I asked. I didn't hear anything but then I heard the lock turn and he opened the door.

"I'm trying to get ahold of the therapist." Chris said annoyed.

"I have her on video chat in the living room. Will you please come in? She said we have to talk together." I said and Chris sighed but nodded. I turned and headed down the hall and then we sat on the couch once we reached the living room.

"Nice to see both of you." She said and we just half nodded. "Okay where do you want to start?" She asked. I looked at Chris and he groaned.

"How about Paloma lying years ago." Chris said and I sighed.

"I didn't lie Chris I just never had a chance to tell you and by the time I was going to tell you it was too late." I defended myself.

"Okay back up you two, what is going on?"

"Okay well Paloma and I discussed cleaning out things in the house, too much history so we want to sell it. Well, I was in the office and I found a file that I didn't know what it was. It was from 2 years ago..." Chris trailed off and I sighed.

"I was pregnant." I spoke up and the therapist sighed but nodded.

"And you never told Chris?"

"I was going to. I was in LA filming and he was in Georgia. I was planning a big reveal when he came home but then right before he got home, I had a miscarriage." I said dropping my head as tears stung my eyes. This was the most I had talked about it since it happened and my emotions were on a rollercoaster right now.

"So, you never told Chris even about the miscarriage?"

"No, I didn't see a point. I didn't want him to get his hopes up, I didn't want him to think it was something I did or that he did. We were already starting to have some problems and I didn't want to add to the problems." I said.

"So, hiding it for me to find years later is okay?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, I didn't even think of that file being in there. Chris there were times I wanted to tell you but then everything happened and with the filming the scene with Zach and everything else it just got pushed to the back of my mind." I said and Chris growled with a said Zach's name.

"Now Chris, you can't blame her for not mentioning it. Albeit not right, you can't blame her for not mentioning it. It was a lot for her to go through and if there were already issues, she didn't want to push a kid into the situation."

"I just wish she could have been honest and told me it happened." Chris said.

"I felt like I let you down. I lost something we both wanted so bad, something we tried so hard for and I lost it." I said as tears started to fall and Chris sighed.

"I never would have blamed you Polly." Chris said as I looked at him.

"I blamed myself." I said.

"What else is going on you two, I feel more tension than this."

"Well after the file was found there was a small fight and I left the house." I said.

"Yeah, to go meet her boyfriend." Chris snipped.

"For fucks sake Chris! I didn't get to meet him! We ran into each other. I went to the coffee shop to think about everything and he was walking by and sat down. He didn't even know I was back in LA." I said annoyed.

"Who would this be?" The therapist asked.

"Zachary Levi." We said together.

"So, you didn't plan this meeting?" The therapist asked looking at me. I scoffed.

"No! I would never! I was just getting out of the house to cool off and he happened to be where I was. I mean its LA, you can't round a corner without seeing someone famous!" I said and Chris groaned and just shook his head.

"Chris, why can't you believe Paloma on this aspect? Forgetting the sex scene and everything else, has she ever given you a reason not to?"

Chris didn't say anything and just started spinning his wedding band on his finger and I sighed.

"Chris?" I asked since he was just being silent.

"No...I just don't like it." Chris mumbled.

"What?" The therapist asked.

"I don't like it! She has never given me a reason to think she would cheat but I also thought she wouldn't hide anything from me." Chris said.

"I'm really sorry Chris. I'm willing to go over the file with you and talk to you about everything that was said." I said and Chris sighed with a half nodded.

"I think that's a great idea Paloma. I also think you two need to talk about where you think you would be if that baby had been born. It's the homework on top of the homework of being in LA."

"Okay well I still want to have my meeting with you two on Friday, like usual and I want to talk about how talking about the file goes. I need you both to actually talk though."

"We know, we will." Chris said and I nodded.

We disconnected the video chat and I looked at Chris.

"I didn't meet him on purpose Chris, I promise you." I said, he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Well, when Megan calls me and shows me the pictures of you two sitting and talking...I don't know what to think." Chris said.

"Listen to me and believe me...please. I know we have a lot of trust issues, but I want to start with a clean slate on trust right now and just work with each other on everything. I was coming home to tell you that I ran into him, so you knew in case something came out, the pictures just made it before I did." I said and Chris sighed.

"I believe you, I just jumped to all conclusions. I need to believe you and trust you. I guess just after finding that file I lost faith in you. I don't like that feeling, Polly." Chris said and I sighed. I moved closer to him on the couch and took his hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. That was a shit move." I said placing my head on his shoulder.

"Why don't we plan dinner and we can talk about the file over dinner?" Chris suggested and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said.

I still felt the apprehension from Chris but there was a lot of work to be done. 

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