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Tubbo's POV:

I know exactly why Father needs me.

He wants to talk to me about my upcoming wedding. That's all he's been talking about since yesterday, I'm getting tired of hearing about that topic again, again, and again.

I don't even want this, but he does.

From what I've heard from the gossiping maids, this wedding was arranged to make 'amends'. At the time, when I first heard this, I didn't know what this fake marriage would amend.

But now I do, apparently this wedding was arranged to make peace with the End Kingdom, since my kingdom and the End has been feuding with each other for decades.

In addition, both kingdoms realized they could both benefit from each other if they amend their relationship. I don't know how exactly both kingdoms will benefit though.

Nonetheless, couldn't they find another way to amend their broken relationship without involving Ranboo and I?

I could give less of a damn about their relationship, it has nothing to do with me. Well, not yet anyway, I'm not in a position to get involved in all this bullshit.

But I am, whether I like it or not.

Anyway, I made it to my Father's office. I was about to knock before I realized I still have flowers in my hair. If he sees the flowers he'll be livid, and I'll get scolded.

I know in this hall there's a bathroom nearby, so I ran there. I opened and closed the bathroom door. I walk towards the mirror.

I look at my reflection, I sighed.

This is going to hurt a bit

I took a deep breath and picked a flower near my left horn.

"Ow..." I mumbled, it hurts but not a lot. It's like getting stabbed with a sharpened pencil.

I took out the rest of the flowers quickly, Father will get mad if I continue to make him wait.


I scooped up the flowers and threw them in the trash. I grabbed the toilet roll and teared away a few pieces. I then covered the flowers with the pieces of toilet paper I grabbed.

I flushed the toilet and turned on/off the sink, I did this to make it sound like I used the bathroom. Just in case if someone is out in the hallway, which I doubt.

I opened the door and closed it behind me once I walked out. I walked back to my Father's office.

I take in a deep breath as I reach my Father's office. I knocked on the door, better to knock than step in uninvited and get yelled at.

I heard shuffling before Father opened the door.

"Come on." He said, gesturing for me to enter the room.

I simply nodded and entered. His office looked as it normally does. Unorganized.

"So, um, I forgot to tell you earlier today that your fiancé will be staying here for a bit." He says, turning to face me.

"I know, I saw and talked to them earlier today." I said, apathetically.

"Did you? Alright then, I would like for the both of you to use this time to bond."

"Right, how long will they stay for?" I inquired.

"A week." Father said, not making eye contact.

I stared at his absent minded face, then I looked away. I instead stared at his desk behind him. A mess, like him.

"Is that all?" I finally said.

"Is what all?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Is that all you have to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah. You can go." He said, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

I nodded, I opened the door and let it close behind me. Was that really it? That's all he had to tell me? Something I already know?

I can't be mad, he didn't know that I already knew.


I'm back in my room now, I'm sitting at my desk. I was going to write a letter to Tommy but I don't know what to tell him.

Do I tell him about my upcoming wedding? Or do I just not tell him at all? If I don't tell him myself someone else might. Then what?

How will Tommy react? He's an unpredictable guy, at least to me he is. I can never tell what his reaction might be.

I'm not even sure if I should tell him. If I do, how will I tell him? I need to stop asking questions, I'm annoying myself.

I got up from my chair, I think I sh---

*rap* *rap*

That sounded like it came from my window. I walked over to the window and pushed aside the sink light green curtains.

It's a crow!

With what seems to be a letter in its beak. The crow must have been sent by Tommy, his Father is the Sky King but he's also known as the crow king.

I opened my bedside drawer and pulled out a small box. I opened the box, inside it's full of seeds. I have this just in case Tommy sends a crow over, so I could feed the crow.

I opened the window, I grabbed a pinch of seeds and left them on the stool of the window. The crow dropped the letter and started to eat the seeds.

I grabbed the letter and opened it. I started to read, which is hard considering my dyslexia.

Hello's and shit aside, I heard about your upcoming wedding.

What? He already heard about the wedding?

I was mad at first, like, how could you get married before I do? Then I was told that this wedding was arranged. So, I just wanted to check up on you. Hear how you're doing.

Despite this, I want to attend the wedding. I'll appreciate it, I'll also appreciate it if you write back.

I chuckled, I walked over to my desk and sat down. I started to write my letter to him.

Hey Toms, I'm doing well. I hope you are too and yeah, the wedding is arranged. It sucks balls, it does and I found out that this wedding was planned just so it can amend the relationship between my kingdom and the other prince's.

Which also sucks, because one I don't give a damn and two the wedding is soon. I'm scared to say the least but nothing I can do. And yeah, if I have to suffer through this wedding so do you. You're coming to this damn wedding.

I folded the paper and wrapped a ribbon around it. I walked back towards the window, I gave the crow the letter and sent it on its way back.

I closed the window and pushed the curtains back. I yawned and flopped onto my bed.

I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Next chapter will probably be short and it'll go through the week with beeduo bonding. So yeah, and this chapter didn't go as I anticipated.

Not proof read either

Word Count: 1170

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