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{September, 28th}

Tubbo's POV:

Time's almost up.

And I know I'm supposed to be happy, this is the agreement after all. Get married and divorce at the end of the year. Simple. Yet...

I have conflicting feelings about this, on one hand I'm happy this is about to end and on the other I feel...dread. I don't want this to end.

And that's because I love them. There, I said it. I mean, it's not a lie. But, do they feel the same? Probably not.

Either way, I don't want this to end. I've grown way too attached to this little ''family'' I have. If you can call it that. But that's besides the point, how could I not love those two?

I turned to face Michael's crib, he's sleeping so soundly and peacefully while hugging his chicken plush. I smiled, I'm glad we found him.

And Ranboo...

How could I not fall for them? With those radiant mixed matched colored eyes, their soothing voice, their joyous laugh, their beautiful vibrant hair, and their warm smile.

I love everything about them, they're perfect, can't say the same for me. I wonder if they feel the same way I do for them. I hope so.

I wonder if I mean anything to them, besides just being an assigned temporary partner.

Hold on, I've been thinking about us that I didn't think about Micheal! Oh XD, how will he react to this? He's only a kid, I'm not sure how much of this he will understand. Especially considering that whenever a couple divorce, they share custody of children they might have. Will we do the same? I've seen how attached Boo is to Micheal. Will they want to take full custody? I'm not sure if I'm fine with that or not, maybe.

Then again, Father doesn't even know about Micheal yet. I've been debating on telling him or not. Who knows what he'll do, he's a mad man. I turned, I'm now staring at the ceiling.

I'm not sure if it's night or not, the sky, if you can even call it that, is fucking pitch black. Nothing in sight, not even a single star.

So, when the divorce is finalized, I'll finally leave this horrendous place once and for all.


{Morning; 8:37 am}


I walked through the hall, no one in sight. Just me and the ever so deafening silence. I don't know where I'm going. The room, where I'm staying, is all the way across from where I am. So, I walk aimlessly through the hall.

I want to go outside, but I feel intimidated by the citizens who reside here, mostly by their height. They're unbelievably tall, like most are around seven or eight feet tall.

Either way, I'm not allowed out there anyway. Last time I asked, they flat out said no. Don't know why. But, beyond the city of the End, there are only barren lands with chorus trees scattered across it.

I sigh, I want to go back home...

"Bloom!!!" A voice yelled. Michael's voice.

I turned, Micheal running towards me. I quickly crouched down, right in time for Micheal to jump into my arms, giggling. I stood back up, Micheal still giggling. I smiled.

A laugh echoed throughout the hall, I looked up to see Boo walking towards us.

"He's so excited to see you again." They smiled.

"Seems so, I'm happy to see him too." I said, planting a kiss on his forehead, causing him to giggle even more.

"Can we play together, Bloom?" Micheal asked.

"Of course, where do you want to play?"

"Let's go to ball room!" Mike exclaimed.

"There's a ball room here?" I inquired.

"Yeah, it's only a hall and a right turn away. Come on, hon." Boo responded, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I felt my face grow slightly warm, this is embarrassing. Micheal giggled, looking directly at me. Almost as if he knows. But he's just a child, surely not.

"Will Bloom play the keys?" Micheal questioned.

"The keys?" Ranboo repeated, bewildered.

"Do you mean the piano?" I added.

Micheal nodded his head vigorously, "Yeah! The pee-a-no!" He said, attempting to pronounce 'piano'.

I chuckled, "Yes, Micheal, I'll play the piano. Just for you." I added.


Ranboo's POV:

Micheal clapped his hands, smiling gleefully, at Tubbo's statement. I would too, honestly. But I'm content having him by my side. Wait..

I shake my head, vigorously. I can't! I ca--

"Something's on your mind, Boo?"

"I--No, uh, just thinking about something.." I said, I could feel my face heat up. I quickly turned away. This can't possibly be happening to me.

"Oh, ok, whatever you say." Tubbo shrugged.

I can't deal with this now. I don't want too. Can't I just have a nice evening with him without dealing with my pitiful feelings?

I really don't want to deal with this right now, it's annoying, I sighed.

"Boo, are you sure there's nothing on your mind?" Tubbo inquired, with worry laced in his voice.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's nothing." I said.

"Then why sigh over it?", He said, putting down Micheal, "I'm here if you want to get something off your chest." He added, holding both my hands.

"It's cute how much you care," I chuckled, "But, there's nothing, love. Thank you." I continued, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Yeah..." Tubbo trailed off.

I notice how his face isn't his usual pale complexion. Instead, it's more of a...light pink. Does he?... I mean, that would be wonderful!

I smiled, that would be very wonderful.

"What are you grinning about?" Tubbo giggled.

Should I tell him? No, no, I'm moving way too fast. I should wait just a little more, till I fully understand this feeling.

"I'm just happy to be with you and Mike." I replied.

Mike giggled, reaching for my hand. I picked him up instead, making him laugh.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard, echoing throughout the hall. I hold out Micheal for Tubbo to hold, I need to see who's coming.

Tubbo holds Mike and I walk forwards. I then see the silhouettes of two of my knights.

"Your highness!" One yelled, stopping.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked, impatiently.

"It's his Majesty!" The other yelled, "He's been poisoned!"

I froze, I need to keep it together. But how?

This is marvelous! I need to hold back my smile. I can't let them know

It's just-- I didn't think it would work!

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