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A/n: All in third person.


Today was the day the duo was supposed to go into town, however because of the downpour outside the duo was forced to stay indoors. Mainly because of the Ender prince being hydrophobic. It's not their fault though.

Now, the duo is in the ballroom. The Overworld prince is at the piano, staring blankly at the keys. As for the Ender prince, they stood in the middle of the room. A few hours before, the Overworld prince was playing the piano while the Ender prince dances.

However, both princes stopped what they were doing out of boredom. The room, once filled with melodic music, is now filled with silence.

"So, what do you want to do now?" The Ender prince spoke.

"I don't know." The Overworld prince responded, not facing the other.

"Well, what do you usually do after playing the piano?"

"Sometimes I bake something.."

"Oh really? Do you want to do that instead?"

"I don't see why not." The Overworld prince said, getting up from the piano stool.


"What do you want to bake?" Tubbo inquired.

"I thought you would know." Ranboo responded.

"I do actually, I was just asking if you had anything in mind."

"Oh, well, we can go with your idea. What is it though?"

"I'm thinking about chocolate chip cookies. That's alright with you?"

"Yeah, I like cookies."

"Good to hear, now help me gather the ingredients and tools." Tubbo said, walking towards the pantry.

"Alright, what do we need?"

"Grab a large mixing bowl, measuring spoons, a measuring cup, a baking pan, and a whisk."

{After grabbing everything needed}

"Right, let's get started I guess."

"Do you have the recipe by any chance?" Inquired the Ender prince.

"Of course I do." The Overworld prince answered, pulling out a written sheet of paper.

"Good, now what's the first step?" Ranboo said, grabbing a hold of the measuring cup and the mixing bowl.

"We'll need 3/4 cups of sugar." Tubbo read, grabbing the bag of sugar and passing it to the Ender prince.

"Okay, what's next?"

{Tubbo listing off the rest of the ingredients}

"And... you're done!" Tubbo exclaimed, "Now, all we have to do is mix it together."

"I'll do it." Both the Ender and Overworld prince said, grasping the only whisk in the kitchen.

"I said I'll do it, let go." Tubbo said, his grasp tightening.

"No, I'll do it." Ranboo insisted, their grasp also tightening. "Now let it go."

Tubbo didn't let go of the item, and neither did Ranboo. Both stood there, glaring at each other.

Suddenly, the Ender prince pulled the whisk towards them, thinking that the Overworld prince will instantly let go of it.

They were wrong.

Instead, the Overworld prince was also pulled along with the whisk. Surprised by this, the Ender prince stepped back slightly, losing their balance.

Both princes fell, the Overworld prince landing on top of the Ender prince. The Overworld prince quickly got off.

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