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A/N: sorry if this isn't accurate.

Third Person POV:

Today is the day.

The Overworld prince is in his bedroom, he is preparing himself both physically and mentally.

"It's going to be alright, Tubs." The Sky prince reassured.

"I hope so..." The Overworld prince said, meekly.

"I want to say something to encourage you, but I don't know what." Tommy admitted.

Tubbo chuckled, "You being here, right by my side, is encouraging enough."

The Overworld prince then embraced the Sky prince. The blond tightens the hug, never wanting to let go.

"This feels so unreal.." The brunet said, holding back tears.

"I know, we both do." The blond responded, tightening the hug if that's even possible.

"Do you think the preparations are almost done?" The blond asked, lessening his grip.

"I hope not, I don't want to go out there."

"You have to, Tubs. You can't stay here, in your room, forever."

"I'm aware of that, Toms."

"We should be heading out in a bit." The Sky prince said.

"No, I don't want to go out there unless they ask me to."

"We should at least freshen up."


The duo then let go of each other, the blond heads over to the brunet's bathroom. The brunet walks towards the window. The stool of the window is decorated with flowers.

Especially, pink tulips.

The Overworld prince picks one of the pink tulips. He then walks back towards his desk, waiting for the blond to come out.

After a few minutes, the blond eventually emerges from the bathroom. Walking towards the brunet sitting at the oak wood desk.

The Overworld prince then stands up.

"Here," He says showing the blond the tulip, "I want you to wear this."

The Overworld prince then places the pink tulip in the Sky prince's chest pocket.

"I want everyone to know you're my best man,   even if they already know."

The Sky prince smiles, he then embraces the other. The Overworld prince gladly hugs the Sky prince back.


"Do I have to, Father?"

"Yes, we've already discussed this."

"Yeah, but, why?" The Ender prince asked.

"You already know why, Ran. Now quit asking." The Ender King said, angrily.

Silence fills the room.

"Right then, I'll be going. I'll send someone to come get you once things are ready." The Ender King spoke, leaving the room.

The Ender prince sighed, they knew they couldn't wear a dress but they still wanted to convince their Father to change his mind.

However, the Ender King abides by gender roles, a woman should wear feminine clothes and a man should wear masculine clothes.

That's what the Ender prince hates the most about their Father.

Besides their resentment and anger towards their Father, the Ender prince feels anxious.

Loveless Marriage (c!beeduo royal au)Where stories live. Discover now