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Third Person POV:

The Overworld prince woke up, lying on the cold, wooden floor. He sat up, looking around, slightly perplexed as to where he was. Then, he realized where he was and why.

The moobloom groaned, lying back down. Eventually, he got up and went to the bedroom bathroom to freshen up.

Afterwards, the prince sat down on the bed. Wondering what will happen next. Fortunately, there was a clock on the drawer next to the bed. The prince grabbed the clock and took a look at the time.

7:38 AM

So it is morning, the brunet thought it was still night considering there is no sun or moon. Just pitch black darkness that is called the 'sky' here.

*knock* *knock*

"Your highness?" A familiar voice asked.

The voice belonged to the knight from the other night.

"Yes?" The prince responded, getting up and walking towards the bedroom door.

"The Ender prince requested your audience." The knight stated.

"They did? Why?" The prince inquired.

"Their highness didn't specify why, however, I'm sure they'll tell you when you get there." The knight spoke.

The prince stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking up, "Okay, where do I meet them?" He said, opening and stepping out of the door.

"Follow me, your highness." The knight responded, turning on their heel.


"Oh, I see you arrived." The Ender prince said, apathetically.

"Yeah, I did. What made you think I wouldn't?" The Overworld prince questioned.

"No reason, anyway, do you want to go into town?" The lanky prince inquired.

"Yeah, sure." The shorter prince replied, nonchalantly.

"Cool, let's go." The bicolored said, walking towards the door.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Into town."

The Overworld prince stopped and shot an annoyed look at the other. The Ender prince also stopped and turned to the other, taking quick notice of the other's face.

"Pfft-" The dual colored snicker, then full on laughing.

The brunet was not amused.

"Ah, sorry, dear. I didn't mean to upset you." The taller said, swiftly walking towards the brunet.

"Anywho, we're going to a bakery like we did in your kingdom." The lanky prince said, embracing the other.

Due to the height difference, the taller didn't notice that the shorter's face flushed rose pink.

"Right, uh, let...let's just get going." The brunet said, hesitantly backing out of the hug, after making sure his face was no longer flushed rose pink but back to his normal complexion.

The taller hummed at the other's statement, letting go of the shorter.

The duo walked in comfortable silence, at least for the bicolor, down the hall. Normally, the pair would walk alongside one another however, the moobloom slowed his pace while the enderman walked at their normal speed.

The lanky prince took quick notice of this.

"Hon, no offense, but why are you slower than usual? Are you okay?" The Ender prince asked, slowing their own pace to catch up with the other.

Loveless Marriage (c!beeduo royal au)Where stories live. Discover now