3.01 - pace

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the group had been on the run for a long seven months

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the group had been on the run for a long seven months. they had never had a permanent place to stay, though they stayed in a small department store for a few weeks before, like everything else eventually, it got overrun. this was a huge problem considering that lori was worryingly pregnant and if she were to give birth, there was no spare medical equipment to help her at all.

stepping into a lone house in the middle of the woods, daryl and briar both shot an arrow into two walkers that were guarding the front door. the woman had become accustomed to her bow and had even found a few real arrows in a camping store. all of the group walked in, the men and briar ahead of them as they cleared the house of the dead. she walked into a room that was full with baby clothes and toys, and killed the walker that was sitting on the rocking chair in the corner. she walked toward the large chest of drawers that stood next to the tiny bassinet and opened them to reveal a full bag of diapers, a bottle, and countless outfits and toys for the child. she quickly swiped them and put them in her bag before walking back to the living room where the group had all sat down in misery after only finding a can of pears and an owl which daryl thankfully killed.

briar sat down next to t-dog who smiled at her presence. the two had become extremely close during the seven months of running and were inseparable. after glenn and maggie had called it official, they found themselves splitting away from briar and didn't speak to her as much, but briar understood. t-dog looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with rick who was staring at her back, nearly burning a hole right through her.

"he's looking at you!" he giggled like a schoolgirl. this made briar think back to the time in the department store when her and t-dog were on watch duty and decided to play a game of kiss, marry, kill. he had given her three options; daryl, rick, and hershel. she had made up her mind too quickly for his liking and chose rick to kiss, daryl to marry and hershel to kill. he hadn't let it down since. "what?" she furrowed her brows, turning around to see rick quickly turn his head away. she blushed lightly, turning back to t-dog who was grinning like the cheshire cat.

"he's obsessed with you!" she smacked his shoulder, making him laugh harder as she rolled her eyes playfully. they heard countless growls at the front door, all of them quickly getting up with their bags before running out the back door, around the house and into their cars quickly. they had gotten to used to this, now; it was part of their routine.

they had found a place to stop and discuss their plans before rick and daryl both left to go hunting. she stood next to lori, who held her pregnant belly with an uncomfortable expression. "you okay, lori?" she nodded, turning to the woman. "im fine, honey, just contractions." briar mumbled a small okay, turning to carl as herself and beth tried to keep the boy entertained. he had grown massively over the seven months, standing at briars shoulder, now.

rick and daryl returned, with shit-eating grins across their faces. "we found a prison."

the group followed the duo to the prison, walking down next to the fence that ran around the perimeter of the rotting prison

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the group followed the duo to the prison, walking down next to the fence that ran around the perimeter of the rotting prison. they took a pair of bolt cutters that were in the back of the car, and cut a hole into the first fence as they all climbed in. rick led them to the large gate that closed the field which was covered in walkers "daryl, carol, you go into that watchtower up there," the two nodded and walked over to the tower, as rick instructed everybody but himself and briar to do their jobs. "me and you'll run to the gate and close it." briar nodded, taking out one of her knives. lori had a small conversation with rick, before she opened the gate and they both made a run for it.

briars feed carried her at a fast pace, taking out the few walkers that stood in her path, and reached the gate before trick, pulling the heavy metal shut. she turned around, the two nodding to each other, before running into the watchtower next to the gate and pulled out their weapons. she pulled out her bow, taking an arrow and shot it through the warm air and into the side of a walkers head. the group all shot the remaining walkers before they all ran out into the field, experiencing peace for the first time in months.

they all sat in the field late at night with a fire burning high. the group hadn't been this happy before, as they all laughed and talked together. briar was sat with her head on t-dogs shoulder, nearly falling asleep before beth and maggie started to sing. don't get her wrong; she loved the two to death, but they could've timed it better. she fell asleep soon after as she put her jacket over her head.

the group arose bright and early to tackle the courtyard and inside of the prison

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the group arose bright and early to tackle the courtyard and inside of the prison. if briar was being honest, she was shitting herself. the group used most of their ammo on the field the day prior and didn't have much to spare. but she pushed down the gut feeling she had and got ready for the busy day ahead.

she stood next to t-dog with her trusty knife in her hands as herself, t-dog, rick, glenn, maggie, and daryl all stood at the gate. lori opened it, all of them running in and begun their spree. she took a walker who was inching toward rick and stabbed it in the back of the head, turning around and killing one that was close to her. eventually, the group of walkers outside began to decrease as they made their way indoors.  they took the closest cell block and closed the barred door that lead into a winding hallway, before they took out the small group of walkers that had seemingly decided to stay during the outbreak.

sighing a breath of relief with her hands coated in sticky maroon blood, she wiped her forehead of sweat as the remainder of the group entered and took in their new home. carl and beth ran together to find a cell, as did glenn, maggie, t-dog, and briar. the two found a cell on the second floor, next to the staircase, and sat down on the springy bed. it wasn't too comfortable but it would do and it was far better than lying on the cold, hard ground.

her sleep was deep that night. she hadn't slept that long since the start.

gray speaks 💋

what the fuck

thank you for 1k views on this book what the hell omd i'm so lucky ong you guys are the best i love you so much 🫶🫶 means the world 😊😊😊i love you all until next time x

thank you for 1k views on this book what the hell omd i'm so lucky ong you guys are the best i love you so much 🫶🫶 means the world 😊😊😊i love you all until next time x

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word count: 1217

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