Chapter 1: Rain Ruins (Almost) Everything

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August 1, 9:07am
Liaanna’s POV

It was an unusually cool day in August. Rain pattered against the windowsill as I put my emerald green hoodie on and shoved my black sketchbook and a small pencil bag into my backpack.

“Dad!” I exclaimed, zipping up my backpack and slung it over my right shoulder. “I’m going to my friend’s house!”

No response. Good thing that was a lie bigger than a black hole. He’s probably sleeping in like he always is. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up. I picked up a chocolate bar from the nearby snack bin and pushed open the door. I pulled the hood over my head and jumped the four-stair staircase, which led from the front porch to the concrete sidewalk.

I strolled through the rain as I watched cars drive by. Even though my neighborhood is less than a mile away from the capital city, the crime rate is less than fifteen percent, which is surprising if you think about it.

The crime rate in the big city is pushing eighty-five percent. I looked both ways and crossed the sidewalk. As I crossed the sidewalk, it began to rain harder. So hard that my hoodie absorbed every drop of it, and now I’m soaked. Great.

I shivered, putting my hands in my pockets. The pockets are soaked, too. I’m having an awesome day today. I looked up to find a treehouse made of wood and something else. It looks well kept, and there’s no house in front of it, so going in until the rain passes wouldn’t hurt, right?

I climbed the wood ladder and opened the hatch, which led inside the treehouse. I climbed in and closed the hatch. This is definently not abandoned. Tan shelves full of books lined the wall, and in one of the corners, they had orange and blue beanbags, neatly folded cat themed blankets, and cat stuffed animals. There was also a wooden desk, but I didn’t really care about it.

I dropped my backpack near the entrance and pulled off my hoodie. This place is surprisingly warm. I unfolded one of the blankets and laid down on one of the beanbags. I pulled the blanket over my head to take a nap. Unfortunately, I was interrupted by the opening of the wooden hatch. Fudge.

“Hello?” They asked.

I kicked off the blanket and began to fold it. “Hi, sorry, there was no other shelter nearby—”

They closed the wooden hatch and pulled up their gray face mask with a black cat paw print embroidered on it. “It’s fine, really. I understand. This storm’s wild, so I don't blame you for coming here.”

I dropped the now folded blanket, stood up, and picked up my hoodie and backpack to make a run for it.

“You can stay, I’m not kicking you out,” They said, blocking the hatch.

“Okay,” I muttered, dropping my backpack and hoodie down.

I sat back down on the beanbag. Silence fills the atmosphere. Except for the rain, which is still pouring outside. Usually, I'm the kind of person who enjoys silence, but sharing it with someone I barely know makes me uncomfortable, I guess.

“Thanks for letting me stay by the way,” I say, breaking the silence.

“You're welcome. I’m Cirah, by the way, but everybody calls me Cat.”

“Because you like cats?” I guessed, unfolding the blanket again.

“No, Cat is actually my first, middle, and last initials, C-A-T. It just happens that I really like cats,” She explains.

“I can tell. I’m Liaanna, but everybody calls me Lia because it’s easier to say,” I introduced.

She nodded her head. “What school are you going to, by the way?” Cat inquired before sitting down at her desk.

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