《Chapter 5: The First Day Disaster》

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Matthew' POV
August 8, 7:20am

I grabbed my backpack and water bottle as I rushed out the door, right behind Daniel, my twin brother.

"Dad, we're leaving!" Daniel hollered before he shut the front door.

"Don't break it," I joked as I jogged down the stairs.

"Relax, little bro. If I even wanted to break it, I would slam the door much harder than that," he reassured.

I hated it when he calls me 'little bro'. He's only older by twelve minutes, and it gets really, really, annoying.

Daniel can always call me by my actual name, but he probably does it to annoy the heck out of me.

We slowed down our pace when we got to the sidewalk that led to the bus stop. Yes, we take a bus.

The only reason why Daniel and I take a bus is because our family only has one car, which our mom takes to work.

"What class level are you in?" Daniel questioned.

"Accelerated," I responded proudly.

"I got honors," Daniel pouted as he crossed his arms.

This means that I'm in the middle class, while Daniel is in the lowest one. Therefore, I am smarter.

And I thought I was the dumbest person in Highland City.

"It's okay. Some are smarter than others," I reassured him.

"And some are faster than others," Daniel muttered as he uncrossed his arms.

"Huh?" I inquired.

"Race ya!" He yelled as he took off running, leaving me behind.

"Oh, come on!" I groaned as I tried to keep up.

The bus stop is about sixty-
five (65) feet away (or about twenty [20] meters) so I believe I can catch him.

That is very unlikely, because I don't do sports. Unless you count E-Sports, then I do one sport.

My legs began to give out. How do people even do cross-
country? I'm tired from running a "short" distance in Daniel's words.

After what felt like forever, I finally arrived at the bus stop.

"How the heck do you run so fast?" I panted as I put my backpack on the ground.

"No idea," Daniel answered as he also put his backpack on the ground.

Liaanna was jogging over to us. I honestly thought that people stopped taking the bus to school.

"Hey you two," Liaanna greeted.

"Hey, Lia," I replied while waving.

An awkward silence arose. I guess we are both bad at starting conversations.

Daniel seemed to have no interest in talking right now, so there was nothing to do.

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