Price of Immortality (The Conjuring)

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A/N: This is Valak x Reader smut. In this story, Valak appears in his true form instead of his more popular nun form. I personally find his true form more appealing.

The candles were set, their wicks lit in the proper order. Five of them placed on each time of the upside-down pentagram drawn in blood, one standing in the middle. Six candles. Six matches. Six flames. They were the only source of light in the dark room. It had no windows whatsoever, the cell hidden deep underground. You sat in the before the bloody star, the grimoire open, and its pages turned to the right number. Even the offering was thoroughly prepared. To summon the demon, human blood had to be spilled. You chose a homeless man for this purpose; someone who will never be missed or searched for. Now he was tied to an upside-down cross, stripped to his pants and his throat slit. Numerous cuts covered his arms and torso. You used his blood to paint the pentagram on the stone floor, and the cross with his body was placed in its middle, a burning candle before it.

Everything was set. Everything was perfect. Now, it was time to do the summoning ritual. It was time to call out to the ominous prince of darkness.

It was time to call out to Lord Valak.

The pentagram started glowing fiery yellow while you skillfully pronounced the words. They were written in an ancient, long dead language, difficult to almost impossible to speak. Failure to thoroughly pronounce even one word could result in severe consequences. It might be something petty like losing a finger, or something as terrible as losing your life and your soul being tortured in Hell forever. The glowing pentagram almost seemed like bursting with fire as you continued chanting the spell, until at last you spoke the final word.

You've heard about earlier attempts to perform this ritual, but none of them succeeded. And now you waited with your eyes closed and your heart pounding in your chest.

The candles suddenly went out, and the pentagram grew dim. Your body remained intact for now. So far, so good. You couldn't deny your trembling and heart pounding like crazy. You were still uncertain whether you pronounced all words correctly. You were afraid to become another failure and perish. But then the pale blue light came. The candles relit themselves one by one, doing it counterclockwise. It looked like you lighting them during the preparation of the ritual, only everything was happening in a mirror. In the moment the blue light appeared, you felt it. You were aware of the presence in the room with you.

And there he was, standing before you. Lord Valak, the Defiler, the Profane, the Marquis of Snakes.

The sight of him made you shake. A body composed entirely of darkness. Spiked protruded from its shoulders, and tripled horns decorated its head. Generally the entity's form more or less resembled human with its two arms and two legs, but everything about it was so unnatural and grotesque. Its green eyes glowed in the dark, piercing you with their diabolical gaze to your very core, making your whole body shudder.

It was done. You succeeded. You've summoned a dark entity everyone was afraid of. You managed to succeed where so many people before you had failed. It felt like a small victory. But this was still the easy part. The real challenge was to get the demon on your side. You have pulled him out of his dark realm to ask for a favor. The task was now to appeal to him. Your safety depended on whether you succeeded in interesting him with your offer, as your victory of summoning him was only as worthwhile as he considered it to be. You had to entice him with an offering in exchange for granting your wish.

"For what purpose have you summoned me, mortal?" the demon's voice echoed in your ears. Shivers ran down your spine from its raspy, otherwordly tone. The creature was truly intimidating, there's no doubt about it. There was no hint of anger in his voice, though. The tone was calm, but still ominous. It was more like a serious questioning about the reason you disturbed him.

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