His Prey (Without Warning)

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Sandy, the only survivor in the horrifying hunt. Those flying parasitic jellyfish-like things drained the life of all her friends. Greg, Tom, Beth... All of them have met their painful death. And now all their bodies were kept in a small shed where no people walk around.

Very good place to keep the corpses, - she thought.

But her friends weren't the only victims of this merciless hunt. Three more men were there, who met the same fate. And now Sergeant Dobbs was killed right before her eyes, exactly the same way like the others. Well, at first he seemed to support them, but in the last hours he has only caused problems to her and Greg, taking them for aliens. And it was no use to make him think different. He was like obsessed with the idea to know the aliens' plans. He was more than sure that the aliens are able to change their appearance, taking human forms. But man, how wrong he was! The alien hunter, the merciless killer, never tried to hide his identity. He was similar to a typical 'Grey Alien', just like people usually imagine the aliens to be. Probably someone has already encountered such type of aliens, so now it has become more or less a standard alien appearance.

Now her only hope was Joe Taylor, the local lorry stop owner. He kept one of those flying things in a jar as a trophy. After Greg's death he helped her to escape the blood thirsty Alien, explaining that he came to Earth to hunt human prey. He has already managed to put dynamite on both sides of the entrance to the shed where he kept the corpses, because he was more than sure that the hunter will come there for his prey. But that crazy Sergeant has nearly ruined their plans. The Alien appeared just in time, killing Sergeant Dobbs when he approached him, hoping to have a conversation. Naïve old man...

Taylor tried to shoot the Alien but it was no use. The bullets did nothing to him. In turn, he threw one of those flying things at Taylor, so he ordered Sandy to blow the shed up together with the Alien. But... the detonator didn't work. Sandy panicked, trying to fix the wires, but it still did nothing. And right before her eyes Taylor shared the same fate as all her friends did, while the parasites sucked out his blood. The hunter watched it with a satisfied look.

Perfect. Another prey caught, - he thought, - now the last one is left. But I think this time I'll use this human female for different purpose. I'll take her to my ship and make some experiments with her.

Sandy understood that her life was going to end right now and there. The Alien slowly approached her, grinning evilly. She no longer had the strength to run, because she knew that he will get her anywhere. He was an experienced hunter that has done this for years. And who was she? Neither a soldier, nor a professional fighter, or anything like that. She was just a girl who was used to live a peaceful life. She could never imagine that she would encounter anything of this kind. But here she was now, a helpless victim, sitting on the ground and waiting for her life to end. But it looked like he didn't hurry to kill her. Sandy didn't know what to expect. Such anticipation was worse than death to her.

The Alien was just standing above her, watching. Sandy wondered what he was thinking now. It looked like he was studying her with his eyes. Maybe he has changed his mind and decided to let her go? He has claimed eight victims so far. So maybe he decided it was enough hunting? Sandy hoped for the best.

The Alien was still standing motionless. Although it lasted for several minutes, for Sandy it seemed eternal. She didn't know what to do – whether to run or to stay, and he maybe will leave her alone? She knew that such unpredictable situations were the most dangerous. Luckily it didn't last long. The Alien leaned to her a bit and stretched his hand to her.

Now this is the end, - she thought, - now he'll take away my life. I just hope it won't be very painful.

But the pain never came. He just touched her head, and everything went black.

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