Blood Red Sandman (The Sandman)

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Jennifer sat on bed in her bedroom, gazing into the darkening sky through the window. Her heart was beating fast and mind refused to give her peace. There was something that has changed her life drastically when something came out into the light. She realized she was born with special ability of moving the objects with the power of her mind that scientifically was called "telekinesis". Jennifer could have never imagined that something like that was even possible. She remembered reading Stephen King's famous novel named "Carrie" which became one of her favorites, but Carrie's telekinetic abilities seemed fantastic to her then. And now Jennifer herself felt like being the real-life Carrie White. This power lay dormant in her for years, and now, when she has become a beautiful young woman, it finally began coming out of darkness. Every time Jennifer felt angry or frightened, things around her started shaking, and the more her emotions grew in power, the more violent the shaking was. Her mother was no less surprised that Jennifer herself, but despite all her best tries to hide it, Jennifer could see it in her mother's eyes that she was afraid of her own daughter. Jennifer could be grateful though that unlike Carrie's mother, Margaret White, her mother was far from being a religious fanatic. Despite her fear, Deborah Cotton loved her daughter and would never leave her, no matter what happened. That made Jennifer happy and she could live with it without any problems until one day life brought her one unexpected and macabre surprise.

When she was a child, her mother used to tell her a tale of a Sandman before sleeping. According to her memory, Jennifer remembered the Sandman to be a little benevolent dwarf-like character that sprinkled the children's eyes with magical sand, helping them fall asleep faster and showing them nice and pleasant dreams afterwards. But as she grew up into an adult, one day Jennifer stumbled on a movie with Sandman's name as the main title. And it positioned itself as a horror movie. Jennifer wasn't a fan of horror movies, but she finally decided to watch it just of curiosity. She just wanted to know how it is possible to make a scary movie with the participation of such a nice little thing as the Sandman.

As night fell on the entire town, Jennifer switched her laptop on and searched for the desired film online. It was sort of problematic to download it as the movie was shown on Syfy some time ago, but luckily it was still available for watching online. Jennifer turned the light off and pressed the Play button in anticipation to see what exactly this supposed horror movie had to do with a mythical figure named Sandman.

As the film progressed, Jennifer saw that the titular character was far from being benevolent and had nothing to do with the Sandman she has known and loved in her childhood. It was a pure nightmare, a monster that an eight-year old girl has manifested with her abilities when being scared or angry. To her horror, Jennifer realized that Madison, the girl in the movie, had the same abilities as she did. Interesting thing was that this sand creature acted as some sort of a bodyguard for Madison, but all of it was a result of a child's mind. And what if she, Jennifer, happened to materialize such kind of creature? Would it also be her bodyguard? Or would it be something else? On the one side, Jennifer was curious if her own mind was capable of such things, but on the other side, she doubted it was a good idea trying to materialize a monster in real world. It might end badly as well.

When the movie finally came to its end, Jennifer shut her pc down and sighed. It wasn't the best movie she has seen and definitely not the scariest. But the titular monster... there was something in him or it that made her shiver, and Jennifer couldn't really comprehend what it was and why. Was it the fact that they made a pure nightmare of the Sandman? Perhaps. One she knew for sure: it sure ruined her childhood memories, but it is something she could deal with. In any case, it was one of such cases that a film will soon be forgotten as there really was nothing special about it in general; except for the monster. Although her mind told her that this creature is not just frightening, but also bloodthirsty, her soul and heart found it almost... beautiful. Jennifer couldn't help but admit that she was charmed by this being, fictional as it may be. And if she tried hard enough, she might be able to help him materialize in the world of living... and maybe make him her bodyguard as well.

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