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Syra POV:

I hate the annual grand ball. And guess what today is.
The ball is hosted by none other than my parents. Honestly it's just another name for rich desi people to come together to judge and gossip about everyone. Just perfect.

Last years ball was a horrific experience. I was forced to sit with this creepy guy that my parents were setting me up with. He had the whole fuck boy look with dangly earrings and gold chain. Just disgusting. This year isn't going to be any different, I'm sure Ma and Baba will set me up with someone.

"Do you know what you're wearing Syra" Saima asked me as she runs around like a maniac trying to find the "right" dress.

Saima loves these things. The whole partying, dressing up, gossiping is her thing. She's always been a fan of the balls. That's where she met Zaid, well was forced to meet Zaid, but she never minded it. Like I said she's a fan of it all. Sahar and I on the other hand despise the ball. I have my reasonings, but I never figured out why Sahar hates them so much.

"Syra I'm here freaking out and you're day dreaming like an idiot" Saima says.
"It's just a ball, that happens literally every year" I say looking through her options of dresses.
"But I still need to look my best" she sighs and she falls to the ground on defeat.
"What about this one" I grin picking up a neon orange maxi.
"Are you out of your mind. My mother in law gave me that as my wedding gift. I've been hiding it in the back of my closet so I don't have to look at this horrifying piece of cloth" she says dramatically.

I'm not gonna lie, it is horrifying like how she described it. With ugly green details along the bottom of the neon cloth. What was Zaid's mom thinking.

"Relax, you can borrow my new shararah" I say getting tired of seeing her like this.
"Oh my god really. Wait what color is it" she says
"Your favorite. Sage green" I say knowing she'll be happy with it.
"Wait is it the one that Ma got you" she says
"Yeah" I say
"But Ma got that specifically for you to wear today" she says
"I know and that's exactly why I'm not wearing it. I know she's trying to set me up so the least I can do is get her mad" I say
"Ohhh I forgot you're going to be busy with a lot of men today" she says laughing.
"Shut up, it's not my fault Ma is obsessed with me getting married" I say
"I have a plan, why don't you just marry Haider. Aren't y'all like best friends" she says making me want to puke in my mouth.
"We WERE best friends not anymore and I would never be with someone as annoying, disrespectful, immature, rude piece of shit" I say as I could feel the steam coming off of me.
"Well damn with that much hatred you're bound to fall in love" she says laughing.

Annoyed I leave her room and decide to go to the kitchen to eat my chocolate cake.


"IM GOING TO KILL YOU" I yell as I catch the sight of Haider eating my cake.
Attempting to snatch the plate out of his hands I fail miserably as he moves it further away.
"Chill Syra it's just cake and I don't see your name on it" he says.
"Everyone knows that's my cake, it's not my fault your stupid and lack brain cells like the idiot you are" I yell in his face.
"Are you sure you're not talking about yourself" he says as his pointer finger comes in contact with my forehead.
"You're so infuriating and don't touch me" I say smacking his finger away from my face.
"Wow big words Syra, I'm proud of you" he says half grinning.
"Give. Me. My. Cake" I say slowly so he can get it through his thick skull.
"Here" he says and I happily smile on victory until I see the cake coming right for my face.
Shutting my eyes I feel the cake come in contact with my face and as I thought I couldn't get more mad, I did.
"YOU ASSHOLE" I yell and jump to attack him.
Grabbing his shirt I pull him down and put him in a headlock.
"I'm going to kill you and bury your body somewhere no one will find" I say still choking him with my arms.
"You know your arms are barely choking me right" he says as if he's not affected by my headlock.
I squeeze my arms tighter and he starts to cough.
"You were saying" I say smirking at him.
"SYRA LET GO OF HIM RIGHT NOW" I hear Ma yell at me as she enters the kitchen in a hurry.
I immediately release him and watch him touch his neck and gain his balance.
"Were you trying to kill him" Ma says angrily
"Not trying I was going to succeed until you interrupted.
"Oh god what am I going to do with this child" she says
"Ma you don't see the cake on my face. He did that" I say pointing at Haider like a child.
"And you were going to kill him that doesn't justify your actions" she says shaking her head.
"You're not even ready for the ball. What a mess. What was I expecting from you immature brat. Go get ready I need you looking perfect for the people I will introduce you too" She says
"People? You mean the disgusting men you choose for me" I say rolling my eyes.
"If only you give them a chance you'll know they're not disgusting but perfect for you, but no you want to be immature and die alone" she says and walks out of the kitchen not wanting to hear what I have to say.
"Men huh" I hear an annoying voice next to me.
"You better shut up before I kill you again and this time no one will save you" I say facing him.
"Why don't you get ready for the "men"" he says as he steps closer closing the gap between us.

I stare up at him and if only he wasn't such an ass I would consider forgiving him but he's unbearable.

Pushing him back with both my hands I turn around and exit the kitchen

"By the way you look stupid with that cake ok your face" he yells after me making me walk faster with annoyance.

I swear I hate this man.

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