Syra POV:

When I thought Omar was annoying, I was most definitely wrong. Omar's sister, Rabia, is most definitely the most annoying species of human I have seen. We're sitting at the dining table and I'm just that unlucky that she sat right in front of me.

"So what else do you do besides being handsome"  Rabia says to Haider as she lightly to touches his hand.
"Nothing besides dealing with companies" he says as he slides his hand away from her.

That's what's I'm talking about, this has been going on for an hour. She's so infuriating, every time she bats her fake eyelashes at Haider I just have the urge to pull them out.

I look away from Rabia's face and catch Haider's eyes on me. He stares at me ignoring whatever nonsense Rabia's blabbing about. His face looks emotionless but still so pretty.

No Syra. Not pretty, get your head together.

"Haider are you even listening to me" Rabia's squeaky voice says.
"Yeah you said something about dinner" he says.
"So what do you think" she says
"About what exactly" he says clueless.
"I asked if you would like to have dinner sometime" she says scooting her chair closer to him.

How is no one noticing them. I look around to see everyone busy in their own conversations, not paying any attention to Rabia's disgusting behavior.

"Um yea sure" Haider says making me confused as to why he said yes to her.
"I knew you would say yes, you won't regret it" she says as she brings her hand to Haider's arms and gives it a squeeze.

That was my last straw. I get up abruptly and run out of the dining room.

I don't know what wrong with me. I can't be jealous. No definitely not jealousy. I'm just mad at Rabia. I don't like her so obviously anything she does gets me mad. Just thinking of her again makes my blood boil.

Haider POV:

"I'll go check on her" I announce as everyone goes back to chatting and eating.

I don't know what got into Syra. The way she charged out of the dining room, I could sense she was mad.

I spot her standing near the staircase. "Syra what's wrong, you got everyone worried with the way you left" I say to her.
"Oh now you suddenly realize I exist, why don't you go back to Rabia" she yells at me making me a little taken back at her reasoning.
"What do you mean go back to Rabia, I came out for you" I say
"Well I never asked you to come for me so you can go back to flirting with her" she says getting annoyed and faces away from me.

There's no way she's jealous right now. The thought itself makes me giddy inside and my hearts skips a beat. I never thought the day would come.

"Are you jealous right now" I ask smirking.
"Jealous! Have you lost your mind I'm not jealous, I'm annoyed I had to waste my precious time on watching two idiots flirt with each other" she says facing me.
"I don't know it sounds like jealousy to me" I shrug at her still smirking.
"Why would I ever be jealous. I don't like you, I don't find you one bit attractive, you're not even my type" she says rolling her eyes.
"Okay so you wouldn't mind if I go back in there and let Rabia touch me" I say pressing her buttons.
"By all means you can go kiss her for all I care" she says
"Kiss, that's haram. You think that low of me" I fake gasp putting a hand on my heart.
"Well the way you guys were staring at each other it looked like you were about to do a lot more than that" she say crossing her arms angrily.
"Do you smell that" I say waving my hand to my nose as if I smell something bad.
"What" she starts to sniff
"I smell jealousy, do you smell it" I say
"You're a piece of shit" she says shoving me back as she walks back into the dining room leaving me in a fit of laughter.

"Haider can I ask you something" Omar says
"Yea sure man" I say knowing what's coming.
"Is Syra okay" he asked
"Yea she's okay why" I say
"No I mean is she mentally okay" he ask
"Don't tell me you know about it too" I say dramatically.
"Know about what, is something wrong with her" he says.
"Does she talk to someone that's not there" I ask him pretending to show my concern.
"YES EXACTLY THAT" he ends up screaming.
"Keep it down, no one can know about this but Syra isn't mentally okay. She hears things and is a little you know" I say gesturing to my brain.
"I knew something was off" he says touching his beard in a thinking manner.
"How do you know all this" he ask me.
"I've known her since we were young, grew up with her. You should take my word and get away from her fast, it's not good for you" I say leaving him in his thoughts.

Gesturing a thumbs up to Syra I see her eyes light up with light. Who would've thought having a broken engagement could make a girl this happy.

It's the middle of the night and I can't fall asleep. Deciding to get a cup of milk to help I get up, my feet leading me towards the kitchen.

"Don't cry, your daughters have to go away some day" I hear Baba's voice from the doorway in the hallway.
"I know these are happy tears, I'm just so happy she's listening to me and going with this. Every mother wants there daughter to be happy. I wouldn't fix her marriage with someone that isn't good enough for her" Ma says.

I go closer to the door to listen. It's not eavesdropping if they're talking about me, I basically have the right to hear.
"She knows that, she knows you want her happiness that's why she's okay with this" Baba says.
"I'm so proud of her for going through with this, she really is a good daughter" Ma says as guilt build up inside me.
"She is and she wouldn't do anything to disappoint us" Baba says.

I walk back to my room, forgetting about my the milk as thoughts consume me.
What am I doing. Ma and Baba look so happy I can't break their happiness and trust like that. Who doesn't want their parents to be happy and proud of them. If this is what it takes then I'm okay with it. But I can't go through with this I don't love him, I always wanted that love not an arranged marriage and he's so annoying how am I going to deal with him. What if he turns out like Amir. Then I won't ever forgive myself. Stuck in a dilemma I feel my head start to pound.

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