Act 1 - Chapter 5 - Companion

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W/n Every time I try to spell omelette I write omlet. Enjoy.

One of the worst experiences when going to sleep is, hands down, waking up soaked in your own sweat. This was especially the case for Chloe, now aged 16. She hadn't recovered from the nightmares that had plagued her from Mikhail's unsightly death. Once she had woken up from one, there was simply no way of going back to sleep for Chloe.

After a year or two of one sided conversations, the young girl began to involve herself in the conversations with Y/n, much to his delight. The two of them had became close knit friends and would usually spend their free time with each other when possible.

When Y/n and Chloe started to eat lunch together, Y/n would quickly come to the realisation that the young girl didn't have a lunch to eat, and thus would normally donate some food from his packed lunch for her to eat, a famished smile adorned on the blank canvas that was her face.

This day in particular had symbolised the start of her new college life, which she had expected would go no differently from her previous school experience. Thanks to her and Y/n's studious past times, they both had no problem with exams throughout their secondary school years.

After turning 16, Chloe applied for a job at a local café as a waitress in order to obtain the money needed to buy food to eat, majorly improving her physical health. The café, named "The Red Herring", served primarily desserts and drinks such as coffee, paid pretty well and provided a calm work environment for Chloe to take her mind off things.

The teenaged girl was small in stature, at a towering height of 160cm, her cascading orange locks no longer had been cut short. Over the past few years, with no money to even feed herself, her hair had grown long. Although the girl had money nowadays she had grown fond of her long hairstyle. Besides, Y/n had always said that it fit her quite well.

Today, due to enduring another nightmare, the girl had woken up earlier than she usual arose. It took the most part of 5 whole years, post accident, for Chloe to be able to go to sleep on a daily basis.

Although, just because she could go to sleep did not guarantee that she would stay asleep. As before mentioned, nightmares plagued her constantly limiting the amount of slumber she could obtain.

Chloe had woken up today at 5am, three hours before her school would commence. Deciding that taking a shower would be the best course of action, she slipped out of bed feeling the cold rake against her skin. Ignoring the unpleasant sensation, she entered the bathroom and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror above her sink.

The short girl's orange hair was messy and tangled, eyebags a permanent resident on her features. Brown freckles decorated her white skin, a groggy expression splayed across her face.

Her small build was littered with black bruises, some fresh, the others old. The abuse from the older woman never ceased and usually took place in areas of Chloe's body which could not be seen when she was clothed.

Her injuries healed slowly due to the lack of food she had available and the older woman would usually use blunt objects in order to maximise the force she could exhibit on the former's body without causing blood to be spilt.

The young teen had lost count of the many nights she had spent crying in pain after being tormented by the older woman. Thankfully, none of the beatings had resulted in any lasting severe physical trauma. Though her mental state was a sight to see indeed.

'I can't wait to take a hot shower' she thought as she rubbed her eyes, turning on the shower head. The steamy water hit her hair, her expression softening resulting in a small sigh of approval from the teen.

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