Act 2 - Chapter 18 - Bloody Murderer

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"Y/n... Y/n... Y/n!" spoke a voice, followed by a pair of warm hands patting his shoulders in an attempt to wake the teen up.

Lifting his head weakly, he looked up towards the girl in front of him, her white hair which stuck out like a sore thumb, identifying the person in front of him right away. Rubbing his eyes from his short slumber, he surveyed his surroundings to see that all eight of the prisoners had accumulated in front of him, standing in a circular formation, conversing with tense expressions upon their brow.

"Gosh, you really can nod off just about anywhere can't you?" sighed Sophie as she pulled him up from the ground where he had been sleeping on.

"Thanks. I didn't get much last night. Thinking about what's going to come next always hampers me from sleeping." Y/n slothfully responded, inserting his hands inside his pockets, trying to warm them.

In the short time that he'd been forced to experience in this prison, he'd usually spend the majority of the time with Sophie, hearing her talk about her life at home and about the three younger brothers she'd become unable to take care of due to some extenuating circumstances.

"I had heard from the person who took me away from them that they'd been split up into different foster houses... I couldn't do anything for them... If only I was strong enough to set myself free..." She had once lamented.

She talked frequently about how the person who took her away from her brothers was terrible, killing wantonly and threatening her with violence, trapping her within a confined space, only allowing the necessities.

"All in the name of 'Love!' they'd rambled over and over and over!" she would seethe any time she would talk about him. Evan was the name. A real plotting piece of shit from what Y/n had gathered from her infrequent descriptions of the dude.

All of Sophie's words had made Y/n think about his own experience with his best friend. It wasn't anything similar to Sophie's story, except from Chloe's in-aversion to violence. In fact, the girl seemed to actively enjoy the frightening act, as if it were more of an enjoyable pastime!

Chloe definitely wasn't alright in the head. He'd never properly thought about it before.

'I mean how could she be alright, right? After what she went through thanks to Derrick, she only seemed to care about me at the time and getting revenge. Losing an eye and multiple severe injuries were the last thing on her mind.' Reviewed Y/n, his left hand scratching his neck.

'I'm definitely partial to her as well, not only for the acts that she's done to save me, but also for... other reasons at the time...' he pondered, looking towards the others who, at this point, were discussing their escape plan and then back to Sophie.

However, looking at all the facts, it pointed towards Chloe being somewhat of a psychotic, mentally ill, serial killer. Her current appearance scared Y/n, as if she was plotting everything. She became more cynical. More devoted.

Even if she was his best friend of many years, Chloe was still, undoubtedly a murder. A terrible, unredeemable person who'd taken the lives of many without remorse.

Suddenly, two figures moved into position, successfully luring Y/n's focus away from the girl in front of him. Isaac and Alice had walked over to where one of the guards was standing, abruptly shouting at each other as if they were about to enter a fight.

Catching the side of his vision, Y/n saw Nathan fumble with something within his pocket and quickly look over to his area, locking his eyes with Y/n before quickly looking away, hoping he'd not been seen glancing at Y/n.

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